53/ 3mill and need a push-- first post

Hi Tozo - Welcome!

Look at it this way - the first couple of weeks you'll pace back and forth - check your old e-mail - call your old business friends. Then something will start to happen. The cloud of habit and stress will begin to lift - and you'll start to feel better. The pressure on your shoulders will begin to lift. It will take a while - I don't know if the change ever ends but it feels good. After two months of retirement my wife says it was the best thing I ever did.

The word retirement does not have to mean 'forever'. Take some time and relax, re-energize. If you want to go back to work in 6 months or a year you can. If you want to give something back and do some charity work you can. What a great position to be in, eh? Change can be quite good.
Hi Tozo - welcome to the board. I am a newcomer here, too.

I am a long way from being in the position you are in, but personally I would go for it. Life is precious and way too short to not be living it to the fullest when you have the option. That is, if you are comfortable with the income 3.2m can earn you.

Despite being only on step 1 of the ladder to my ER goal myself, I've thought a lot about what I will do with my time when I finally get there. I dont exactly enjoy the stress in my job, but I know it gives me enough of a kick in the butt to stay focused and on the ball. I don't want that to turn into sleeping til noon every day and feeling blah. Initially I plan to take my hobbies and step them up a few notches. For example, I play guitar fairly seriously in my free time now, post ER that could turn into recording a whole CD, luthier school (something that's in the background, kind of itching right now), and so on. Who knows what I'll really want when I'm in my early 50s, but either way, for me, having something I can throw my energy into is a pre-requisite to taking the plunge.
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