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One of my earlier posts to this forum was a brief review of a new book by Stein and DeMuth. Earlier today, I did a Google search to see what else came up about this book (lots). To my absolute astonishment, one of the first hits was something like "recent posts of ProfHaroldHill," which was a complete listing of the text of all of my posts to this forum!

Kind of sobering. I got to wondering there is a real Prof. Harold Hill out there somewhere. Of course, I'm a complete phoney (as if you hadn't figured that out already). HH was the quick-buck guy from the Broadway show "The Music Man," who bluffed his way through organizing a boy's band in River City, Iowa, around the turn of the last century, even though he couldn't play an instrument himself, and had never set foot in a Conservatory.

Nevertheless, my drivel is now archived out there, bearing the suggestion to the unitiated that it comes from someone with the respectability of a Professor.

HH (sort of . . .)
ProfHaroldHill said:
To my absolute astonishment, one of the first hits was something like "recent posts of ProfHaroldHill," which was a complete listing of the text of all of my posts to this forum!
They were probably submitted to Google by HaHa & (), veteran members of the ER Board's Internet Poster Identity Protection Program.

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