Cindy Sheehan is headed home.

Sorry guys but I'm with Newguy. The lady was one of the first to say that the emperor has no clothes. She was right long before "The American Public" stood up and took notice. I admire her. It took guts for her to stand up and say what she did. Then to take the threats from who knows who AND the nasty comments from the talking heads who make a ton of money spewing their venom! I think her son would be proud of her. Tell me people why is it so NOBLE to keep your head down and continue to shop? What is so NOBLE about this occupation of Iraq where now the women who are probably half the population are now being required to become nothing more than chattel or else face a death sentence? What was the good that came of this bombing and now occupation?.....Oh I can hear the comments now!!:rant:
Sorry guys but I'm with Newguy. The lady was one of the first to say that the emperor has no clothes. She was right long before "The American Public" stood up and took notice. I admire her. It took guts for her to stand up and say what she did. Then to take the threats from who knows who AND the nasty comments from the talking heads who make a ton of money spewing their venom! I think her son would be proud of her. Tell me people why is it so NOBLE to keep your head down and continue to shop? What is so NOBLE about this occupation of Iraq where now the women who are probably half the population are now being required to become nothing more than chattel or else face a death sentence? What was the good that came of this bombing and now occupation?.....Oh I can hear the comments now!!:rant:

Well thank you!!:D
Sorry guys but I'm with Newguy. The lady was one of the first to say that the emperor has no clothes. She was right long before "The American Public" stood up and took notice. I admire her. It took guts for her to stand up and say what she did. Then to take the threats from who knows who AND the nasty comments from the talking heads who make a ton of money spewing their venom! I think her son would be proud of her. Tell me people why is it so NOBLE to keep your head down and continue to shop? What is so NOBLE about this occupation of Iraq where now the women who are probably half the population are now being required to become nothing more than chattel or else face a death sentence? What was the good that came of this bombing and now occupation?.....Oh I can hear the comments now!!:rant:

So, you think that we should go over there and change their society completely even if they don't want it changed:confused: Make them 'christians'? That is one of the big complaints they have.... that we are trying to make the like us.

If the women want to be chattel... and it seems that it is OK with a lot of them... let them.... it took a lot of effort to change the good ole USA... remember, women could not vote maybe 100 years ago... 'they' could not get a good thought in their pretty little heads...

(just for all of you that plan to flame me.... I don't agree with what I said... just a debate point...)
If the women want to be chattel... and it seems that it is OK with a lot of them... let them.... it took a lot of effort to change the good ole USA... remember, women could not vote maybe 100 years ago... 'they' could not get a good thought in their pretty little heads...

(just for all of you that plan to flame me.... I don't agree with what I said... just a debate point...)

not trying to flame you tex, but i think it is a common assumption that women, in some of the countries that have extreme crazy laws limiting women's rights, are ok with it. For example, in afghanistan, people sort of paint a picture that this is something women are used to. but in fact the poor women in burkas used to be doctors, teachers, lawyers, until the taliban took over, not too long ago - so there was widespread depression and suicide amongst the female population. imagine taking your modern american woman, telling her to wear a burka and no going outside without a male family escort, etc. i don't think it's that different.

Iran and Iraq had some rather well developed societies until the more recent decades of extremism took's good to watch the history channel sometimes >:D
She should. The whole anti-war movement is overrun with boomers content to marvel at themselves back in the vietnam days when taking LSD could stop a war. There's no room in ANSWER for a woman who has no flower-child ego. Cindy Sheehan only has a broken heart.

Besides what has the anti-war movement done. I mean, what anti war movement? They quietly congregate in the "free speach zones" mapped out for them by George Bush. They have no PR management, every event they organize gets relegated to insignificance. You could be two blocks away from any Iraq war protest and have no idea what was going in.

Good for Cindy Sheehan. I am truly sorry for her loss.
Anti war movement is not what we need these days. Look the headlong rush to remove saddam is what people are pi$$ed about. I do not believe there really is one progressive american thinker who would have been complaining about fighting the scum that attacked us on 9/11. we went into Iraq because president Bush knew he could. He was given awfully flawed information, and the fact that he is not the brightest bulb in the bunch well look what we have now.
Hey Texas I listened to an NPR interview of an Iraqi woman who is here in the states at the moment. She said that the women are threatened or killed if they do not behave the way the new extremist are demanding. AND there are Christians living there who are now subject to that treatment (by the way I am not religious).

And Newguy I think that Bush knew the information was bogus but as you probably know the PNAC guys (his buddies) were pushing the invasion because of their vision of controlling the middle east and the oil. Project for a New America does have a website by the way.

It is all very sad!:(
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