Home Security

Oh its a bit. I do a lot of scooping. We go with the higher quality dog food with no fillers so theres a little less of both the input and the output. Still, we go through almost 60lbs of food in a month, so do the math ;)

In case the emergency backup dog doesnt work, one of the cats also thinks its a dog. I saw her take off after a 90lb weimaraner that wandered into our yard and she chased it down the street. Only about 12lbs but I still dont think theres any poodle involved.

Yeah, thats Jake. He was the neighborhood semi-feral stray that started coming into my wifes yard to play with the other two dogs when there were no people around. Three years later he was more or less comfortable being around us and when we got married and she moved in with me I caught him unawares and threw him into the back of my truck. He then lived in our fenced yard for four years, and when we moved last year we managed to get him in the car again. He's been coaxed into the house on bad weather days and is okay with some belly rubbing now and then.

Loves Gabe, who literally rides him around the back yard.
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