Homeland, House of Cards or Breaking Bad?


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Jan 21, 2008
Probably an impossible question, but which would you recommend to someone who hasn't seen a single episode of any of them? I know the basic story/subjects, but that's about it. FWIW, I prefer shows that are surprising/unpredictable, unlike the too often formulaic stuff on network TV and studio movies. Be gentle...
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Haven't watched any of those. We're still enjoying (the new BBC) Dr.Who and Leverage on Hulu+
Lets see, DW and I like Homeland, DS likes Breaking Bad, our neighbor highly recommends House of Cards.
I've only watched Breaking Bad of those 3, but I can't recommend it any more highly. Best series I've ever watched.
I haven't seen House of Cards or Homeland but I would agree with PBum. DW and I (and DSs and DDs) thought that Breaking Bad was spectacular.
I love all 3. Homeland took a few episodes to get into. The other two were hits from the start.
House of Cards is among the best series I ever watched (esp because Kevin Spacey is one of my favorite actors). I'm not all that big on TV nowadays, it tends to bore me, but House of Cards was a big exception to that -- each episode seemed to go by in a flash.

I personally couldn't get into Breaking Bad, it depressed me. To each their own. [Ed. to add -- based on all the glowing recs here, I should give it another try!]

I haven't seen Homeland yet.
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I was leery of Breaking Bad, because I don't really like gruesome violence for shock value that I see on some shows. But everyone kept raving about it and I am from Albuquerque, so I gave it a try. I REALLY loved it. Much of it was mesmerizing and I found myself rewatching many scenes over and over. I haven't seen the other two. However, BB is not predictable and is very different than any regular TV series. There are some slower episodes that build the characterizations and then there are episodes that are crazy with action. It was fascinating.
I haven't seen Homeland. House of Cards was very good, but having seen the original British version, I found it a bit slow. Breaking Bad was simply superb. YMMV.
I'll throw out 2 more if you can find them. Californication and House of Lies. The first has David Duchovny starring in a non-Mulder role (nothing like X-files). Excellent writing. House of Lies is a business consulting firm comedrama with clever writing, too. Both are R rated for those that find that relevant.
House of cards was very good.
Of the three series mentioned by the OP, I have only seen Breaking Bad, and it is of course stellar.

This winter with all the bad weather I made use of my HBO subscription to watch The Sopranos. I did not think it would appeal to me (mobsters, meh, was my thinking) but once I got into it, it took hold of me. By which I mean, I rushed home from work to watch it. And spent whole week-ends watching it. I lived to see what would happen next! I did not have HBO back when it was on TV (1999-2006 I think).
I've seen all three. Breaking Bad is one of the best series ever, but took me awhile to get into, I would start with that. House of Cards is also excellent, but the second season wasn't quite as good as the first. Homeland was fantastic in its first season, and IMO, really fell off after that.

I am now really getting into Masters of Sex, it has been consistently outstanding. Also I LOVE Sons of Anarchy.
I haven't seen Homeland. House of Cards was good but I enjoyed Breaking Bad a lot more.
We liked Homeland and House of Cards. I like House better, Spacey is great.

Hear ll the raves and BB, I have not watched it as I don't' like the meth lab thing. It is a scourge in this country, wasting many kids lives.

Guess I will have to lighten up and give it a try.
I've seen all 3. House of Cards probably has the most shocking twists... But all 3 are very enjoyable.

I just put in my library request for Homeland season 3. (I don't have netflix... but library is free if I'm willing to wait.) It was released this week - and I'm #112 on the library waitlist. LOL.

When I had netflix the first time, we binge watched BB, till we caught up with broadcast... then watched each episode as it came out. House of Cards we binge watched last spring when we were doing a 1 month for free on Netflix. With Homeland I have had ZERO problem getting through an entire season in the 1 week library rental. It's very addictive.

I agree that it took a few episodes for Homeland to get me... but it did.
Another vote for Breaking Bad. DH and I just finished the series few days ago.

Orange is the New Black and Downton Abbey also good ones we'll continue with.
Never seen Homeland. House of Cards is excellent. Mine may be the dissenting view here, but I watched the first season of Breaking Bad and had the same reaction as I had after seeing all of The Sopranos: both shows are exceptionally well-written, well-acted and generally well-made. But at the end of the day I couldn't shake the feeling that I had just spent a lot of time with people I really didn't like.
Never seen Homeland. House of Cards is excellent. Mine may be the dissenting view here, but I watched the first season of Breaking Bad and had the same reaction as I had after seeing all of The Sopranos: both shows are exceptionally well-written, well-acted and generally well-made. But at the end of the day I couldn't shake the feeling that I had just spent a lot of time with people I really didn't like.
That's been my uninitiated reaction to Breaking Bad too, I don't really want to know more about the meth world. But I should probably check it out from the library, along with the other two series.
Re: the collective distaste for meth and how it's ruining the country. One can make the same argument about the key product in House of Cards. Some say it's ruining the country, too.
Yup, all three. Who says there's nothing good on TV anymore?

I've recently fallen in love with The Leftovers on HBO. OMG....
Breaking Bad is an amazing series. The writing is terrific. I just started season 3 and it's hard to stop watching episodes.
Binge watched Breaking Bad. Will start on Homeland when I get back to Netflix, but right now I'm on Amazon and Sopranos. Tried House of Cards but didn't care for it. I know I'm in the minority, and I even like Spacey, but it just didn't hold my interest.
I have not watched Homeland but Breaking Bad is probably the best show I have watched in at least 10 years. House of Cards is most excellent too (you might think that, I couldn't possibly comment).

Other great series of the recent past: Orange is the New Black, Fargo (scared of Billy Bob now), Luther (Alice is awesome), and going back a little more, Deadwood.
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