Katrina Survivors Read This

  • Thread starter BigMoneyG.u.e.s.t
  • Start date


Information in these first three posts may change frequently. Check back periodically for more info.

Dory36 enabled guest posting again. If you are displaced from your cookies and email you can now check in here to let us know how things are. We know unclemick2 lives in the area and haven't heard from him since before Katrina hit NOLA. DOG51 was in the area and survived and is back here. I don't know offhand who else is in the area, but we'd love to hear from you.

Update Sept 15: Guest posting has been disabled again. As far as I saw unclemick and DOG51 were the only two board members reported to be affected.
Re: Unclemick and Other Katrina Survivors Read This

Yes, guest posting works now. Stickied this for hurricane survivor members to see.

I'll edit this post occasionally to link to posts where survivors have checked in in other threads.

ER Forums post-Katrina Check-ins

DOG51 checks in here and is actively participating on the board again from work and home
unclemick checks in here with nothing but credit cards, underwear and 2 vehicles but has already forwarded the dividend checks, heh heh heh
List of Relief Organizations

Other mods are invited to edit these messages to add relevant information.

Temporary housing for displaced people

dory36 said:
We're planning to make our spare bedroom available to someone who had to evacuate for the hurricane.

We only have room for a single, I'm afraid. But if anyone has a "nominee", please PM me.

http://www.katrinahousing.net/ - This site is a list of other housing and aid sites and offeres meta-searches of the sites. I am copying from it to generate the first draft of this list.

Search For Missing Relatives and Friends

ICRC FamilyLinks: http://www.familylinks.icrc.org/katrina/locate or call 1-877 LOVED-1S (1-877-568-3317)
MSBNC "Looking for": http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9159961/ Message "I'm Safe": http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9159954/

Other Help

There are many board members who are computer and internet wizards here. If you need help finding a resource ask here, and I'm sure somebody will find the answer for you. I wouldn't know where to look for aid if my dwelling was wiped out, so don't be afraid to ask.

reserved post to be edited w/more info. this is a work in progress
Re: Unclemick and Other Katrina Survivors Read This

Phone Numbers

Mods, please add phone numbers for banks and other financial institutions and other services that might be handy to know if displaced.

Vanguard Investor and Client Information: 877-662-7447
Vanguard Brokerage Services: 800-992-8327
Vanguard Participant Services (Employer plans): 800-523-1188
Vanguard’s Automated Phone Service (24 hr): 800-662-6273

reserved post for spillover of overlength messages
Re: Katrina Survivors Read This (unclemick checked in)

(from a relative who works for MCI)

MCI Launches Toll-Free Locator Service to Reunite People Displaced by Hurricane Katrina
[Comm Mkts US, Global Accts, Gov't Mkts US]

MCI has introduced a simple, toll-free phone service to help people impacted by Hurricane Katrina communicate their conditions and whereabouts to family and friends by simply using their 10-digit home phone number as an identifier. The service also allows displaced people and those attempting to locate the missing to connect through a toll-free phone number.

Callers can choose to either:

Register themselves by calling (877) HELP-KAT or (877) 435-7528

Locate someone who is missing by calling (866) 601-FIND or (866) 601-3463.

To Register

People impacted and/or displaced will be prompted for their home phone number; month, day, and year of birth (for individual identification); and a callback number where they can be reached. The service will notify the caller if he or she is the first to register the number or if someone else has already done so. If others have registered the number, the earlier registrant's month, day, and year of birth as well as callback number will be replayed, giving the caller the option to connect automatically to that person.

Registrants will also be told if someone has previously searched for their number and will give them that caller's birth month, day, and year in addition to callback information with an option to connect.

Even if displaced people currently do not have a callback number, they should still call and register so family members and friends will know they are alive. Registration information can be updated later with callback numbers when they become available.

For any 10-digit primary home phone number, up to nine callback numbers and birth month, day, and year can be registered to accommodate alternate contact numbers and multiple family members.

To Locate Someone

Caller will be prompted for home phone number of person he or she is trying to locate.

The callback number and birth month, day, and year of the displaced person will be played back.

The caller can connect automatically to the displaced person's callback number.

The service will also notify the caller if the number searched has not yet been registered, and it will allow the caller to enter his or her birth month, day, and year and callback number to be replayed when and if the missing person's phone number is registered.

This service is available to everyone, not just MCI customers, and supports English, French, and Spanish. The service is limited to U.S. geographic users only.
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