Tool/gun/treasured goodies fitted drawers


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jan 8, 2007
Looks like a good idea with some very good suggestions in the comments. Think I'd try it out first (perhaps with a handful of pliers and nippers and sidecutters and such) before discovering that the foam has glued itself to your finest micrometers or the sights on your classic Webley-Fosbery automatic revolver.

Pamper Your Tools |

That looks like a great idea that could be used for a number of things.
That is very cool, and I'm betting that the shirt prevents the foam from sticking to whatever you put in there. Thanks!
Looks nice. The comment suggesting using "plasticine" (aka Pla-Doh) to form fnothces to allow the tools to be grabbed is a good idea. The only possible downside to the idea is that polyurethane foam doesn't allow water vapor to pass through very well, so this might encourage rust (if a tool is put away damp, or the normal condensation that can occur if cool metal tools are introduced to warm moist air).
Not space-efficient. A whole drawer for seven pliers?
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Not space-efficient. A whole drawer for seven pliers?

Charitable view is that it was a test - think that I'd do a test before entombing some expensive test gear or camera lenses or firearms in sticks-forever poly foam. Agree that finger lift-out notches are needed. Also, thinking about it, not so sure it would work well with thick objects - seems the t-shirt wouldn't form well without wrinkling. Also think I'd put saran-wrap around the encased item during the process as insurance.

Went looking for a briefcase that has been laying around unused - had images of an "El Mariachi" type case fitted to a number of pistols and magazines. Dang thing got sold - gal's just too efficient.
Not space-efficient. A whole drawer for seven pliers?
I agree. I think at least a couple pairs more would have fit into the drawer, just by rearranging the pliers a bit. I also wonder if the drawer has to be filled to its complete depth in one layer? The one in the photos looks rather shallow, but I would think it easily possible to do two layers of tools in a drawer that was five or six inches deep, with a finger notch in the top layer so it would be easy to lift out. I could fit a whole bunch of knitting needles and crochet hooks in a foam filled drawer like that!
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