Vanguard Diehards-- dot org!


Moderator Emeritus
Dec 11, 2002
It's with great pleasure, and thanks to BigMoneyJim's watchful vigilance, that I'd like to announce it's safe to go back to the Vanguard Diehards discussion board.

What's left of it. This action was inspired by a mutiny, not by M*'s alleged moderators. A bunch of the newer DHs have deserted for another board of their own.

I have to admit, though, I've found a home over here that I never had over at M*. And those ads sure are annoying...
What to do, what to do.

Always lurked at M - too cheap to pony up the five bucks. Been a Bogle fan pushing three decades.

Signed up for the new forum(free) when they started jumping ship due to H#^!s.

Now he's been zapped. So what happens to the new forum??

heh heh heh - alas - like that line from Renecks, Whitesocks and Blueribbon Beer - 'there's no place I'd rather be than right here'. But a free vote for Boglehead's ? - Yeah You Right!
I've been a lurker at the diehards board in the past. I might join the new forum since the price is right.

Vanguard Diehards is one of the forums they host.

Others can post more - I'm only a rookie lurker. Morningstar has a long and illustrious history.

heh heh heh
I have lurked for a while on M*, and just as an FYI, using the combo of Firefox, Adblock and Flashblock, all I see after a few initial clicks month ago, is nice clean text every visit -- no ads at all.
I've enjoyed the Vanguard Diehards board at Morningstar for many years, though I haven't posted often. I wonder if maybe the moderators tolerated H&%*s because he generated a lot of activity--which made their site numbers look better.
samclem said:
I wonder if maybe the moderators tolerated H&%*s because he generated a lot of activity--which made their site numbers look better.
For those of us that are relative newcomers to this forum, could you give us a little color on H&%*s? Who is he/she? Why is he/she so hated? etc. etc.
FIRE'd@51 said:
For those of us that are relative newcomers to this forum, could you give us a little color on H&%*s? Who is he/she? Why is he/she so hated? etc. etc.

Yeah! Who is this h-o-c-u-s dude/ette?
I remember there was some weird guy that posted on that forum who always talked in the third person. Can't remember his logon name though. Anyone remember?
h-o-c-u-s is not just an internet troll, he is THE internet troll. He often claims to be the creator of the financial freedom community. This ficticious community is comprised of several internet retirement boards: 1) The Motley Fool Early Retirement Board, 2) The NoFees Board, 3) Raddr's Early Retirement Board, and 4) This Board. Recently he began posting on M* Diehards board because he has been permanently banned from all of the other above mentioned boards.

He fancies himself a financial advisor but admits that he "is not a numbers guy". He is certain that all previously published studies on Safe Withdrawal Rate (SWR) are wrong, but refuses to say what the right answer is. His behavior on internet boards involves making outrageous claims, misrepresenting what others say, criticizing retirement board icons like Bogle and Bernstein, refusing to answer direct questions or engage in meaningful debate while still writing a plethora of 20 paragraph rants. He is especially critical of John Greaney, operator of a special board who's sole purpose is to contain hocomania.

He recently published a Vanity Press Book title "Passion Saving" and sells it through his internet site.

His most recent banning at M* resulted when he insisted that he be allowed to attend an annual event where Diehards honor Jack Bogle so that he could question Bogle about his investment theories.

A quick google search of h o c u s or hocomania will produce more information than anyone really wants to know. :)
I wasn't a member of NFB, but I think he's one of the primary reasons that NFB shut down. And he came too darn close to driving away the old-timers of this discussion board.

This board's software removes banned posters from the Members List... for some reason they become nonpersons even though all their posts are still in the database.

However if you use the "Advanced Search" option of the "Search" feature to look for a common keyword by that user name, then their posts will pop up. Clicking on one of their posts gives you access to their user name & profile. When you click on that user name, at the bottom of the profile screen is a link titled "Show the last posts of this person" that you can click for a list of all their posts.

Be aware that doing the above for H0cus' posts means that you've just trolled yourself. It's 586 separate instances of someone who claims to understand the English language using vocabulary that's totally devoid of all semantic meaning and mathematical comprehension. He doesn't post here anymore and hopefully he never will, but if you decide you want to communicate with him there are plenty of other places he can be found.

EDIT: Well, that kludge works, but, duh, I guess we could also go to the "Members List" link at the bottom of the main page and then use the "Search for Members" link from there:;sa=search
TromboneAl said:
I remember there was some weird guy that posted on that forum who always talked in the third person. Can't remember his logon name though. Anyone remember?

Munchkin Man, Hombre Munchkin, Munchie, etc. etc. etc....

His "scheme" is/was penny stocks, if I remember...

- Ron
I came on this board just as he was being run out on a rail leaving. Isn't he the one that went broke after 2 years of ER and then blamed everything and everyone else for the failure?
Yes! What a freak.

I was new here when he got banned, but reading through his old posts (thanks Nords, I think) was almost a fond walk down memory lane. "Great SWR debate!" - too funny! I guess insanity can be funny if no one gets hurt. ::)
You know, I can't seem to follow his point in the posts I've pulled up so far. He's quite verbose with no logical thought connectivity going on with his writing. I must be dense. :p
From the REHP forum ... the original is at

FYI... as you'll see below, in a misplaced gesture towards free speech, I gave him his own section here for a few days. The results were disastrous.

tashina said:
This is the latest version of the Hoco Timeline (revised to add 2/19/2007). You may notice changes from time to time as I work in new dates from the responses on the thread. Thanks to all who PMed me with suggestions, especially arrete, ataloss and intercst. Feel free to suggest more dates or corrections and I can modify it.

Hoco Timeline

1956 Oct 5 - date of birth (from his website)
1977 - Bachelor of Arts from Temple University in Political Science
1979* - intern for Tax Notes while in law school (B)
1980 - Law degree from the Catholic University of America
1980 August - First full-time job ($18k/yr) (B)
1982* - Masters in the Law of Taxation from George Washington University School of Law
1987-1989* - worked for Daily Tax Report as Lead Congressional Correspondent ($40k/yr) (B)
1989 August - Hired by Tax Notes ($60k/yr) (B)
1991 October 15 - Fired from Tax Notes (B)
1991 December – Married (B)
1999 May 14 – First ***** post on TMF, TMF post 55
1999 Oct* - First son, Timothy, born
1999 Dec - ***** claims to have founded the Financial Freedom Community this month LINK
2000 Jan 13 - First known example of bolding – TMF post 2167
2000 Feb 1 - First known posting of song lyrics – TMF post 2813
2000 March 10 - ***** puts up his first poll – TMF post 5839
2000 May 31 - Handed in Resignation to Ernst & Young (but did not leave work yet)
2000 June - ***** publishes Soapbox report “Secrets of Retiring Early” – makes $15,000
2000 August 1 - Resigned from Ernst & Young TMF post 75407
2000 Nov 9 – Source for ***** book chapter on Chocokitty – TMF post 24353
2001 - Purchased house for $219,900 (B)
2001 Feb - Soapbox folds
2002 Feb* – Second son, Robert, born
2002 May 12/13th - Post Heard Round The World TMF post 66629
2002 May 15 – first mentions “statistical invalidity” of intercst’s study, TMF post 66792
2002 May 16 – first mention of the infamous 40 Binders, TMF post 66833
2002 May 20 – My Plan post at TMF TMF post 67025
2002 June 20 – plagerized Coin Toss post
2002 Sept* - alleged Galeno death threats
2002 November 23 - Asked for intercst’s removal from TMF TMF post 84004
2002 December* - Joined NFB
2003 May 20 – Banned from TMF
2003 June 18th – Signed up at TMF as "SamCooke1961"
2003 July 23 - First known use of The Wave (on NFB)
2003 July 23* - Creation of SWR board at NFB
2003 October 8 – Signed up & first posted at Dory’s board LINK
2003 November – 1st banned from NFB
2003 December 14th – signed up at TMF as “mcbeaned”
2003 December 15 – Book of Hook Rant
2004 February 2 – first post at TMF using the name “mcbeaned”
2004 Feb 20 – ***** sends letter to Scott Burns about intercst
2004 April 11 – changed username from “mcbeaned to “robbennett” on TMF
2004 April 12 – last post on TMF as “robbennett” – likely banned
2004 April 12 – signed up again on TMF, this time as AbrahamLinkin
2004 June 10 – rejoined NFB as *****2004
2004 Sept 11 – changed TMF username from AbrahamLinkin to *****2004
2004 Sept 30 – last post as *****2004, TMF post 191165
2005 Feb 8 – Update to the “My Plan” post LINK
2005 Feb 21* - ***** starts his webpage
2005 March – banned for last time from NFB
2005 March 12 – another letter to Scott Burns
2005 March* - Dory36 starts alternative SWR board for *****
2005 March 20 – banned from Dory’s board LINK
2005 March 23 – ES announces shut-down of NFB effective March 26(due to *****) LINK
2005 April* - NFB re-opens with ***** pre-banned and SWR board gone
2005 April* - JWR1945 starts web site
2005 July – ***** starts Blog
2005 July 22 - first post on Morningstar
2005 Oct 13 – threatened Dory’s grandchild and ES
2006 Feb 21- raddr posts on M* to say he doesn’t endorse anything ***** says
2006 March 22 : ***** creates Valuation-Informed Indexing on Google Groups
2006 March 31 – Mel Lindauer exposes ***** as a fraud on M*
2007 Feb 19 - First banning from an actual event - Diehards VI. Banned by event organizers.
2007 Feb 20 - Banned from M*

* = approximately
(B) = from the Passion Saving book

TMF= The Motley Fool
NFB = no fee boards
M* = Morningstar
Dory's board =

This is a group effort and may be posted wherever Hocomania's garden grows.
cube_rat said:
You know, I can't seem to follow his point in the posts I've pulled up so far. He's quite verbose with no logical thought connectivity going on with his writing. I must be dense. :p

ROTFLMAO!!! C_R, you just expressed at least 2000 posters' first thoughts upon reading his posts. He gets the grand prize of Master Troll because he's so good at confounded even the brightest and most skeptical - at first anyway. At one point, CFB/TH was defending him!
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