Where Is The Other Dollar?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 29, 2005
3 Men Go Into A Motel.
The Man Behind The Desk Said The Room Is $30,
so Each Man Paid $10 And Went To The Room.

A While Later The Man Behind The Desk Realized
the Room Was Only $25. So He
sent The Bellboy To The 3 Guys' Room With $5.

on The Way, The Bellboy Couldn't Figure Out
how To Split $5 Evenly Between 3 Men,
So He Gave Each Man A $1 And
kept The Other $2 For Himself.

This Meant That The 3 Men Each Paid
$9 for The Room,
which Is A Total Of $ 27,
add The $2 That The Bellboy Kept = $29.

where Is The Other Dollar?
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Three men in a motel room, that's worse than John Candy and Steve Martin in "Trains, Planes and Automobiles": "where's your other hand?" "Between two pillows, eeeu, how about those bears!"
You don't add the $2 to the $27, you subtract it to get the $25 the men paid for the room.
Or the "google" answer:

Nothing happened to the dollar. All the money is still there. Yes, they each ended up paying $9 each for a total of $27. Plus the $3 they got back is a total of $30-it's all there. They were supposed to pay $25 but they paid $27, which makes sense because the bellhop kept $2.

Charges: $25 for the room + $2 for the bellhop=$27 $30 initial charge - $3 refund = $27 Each paid $9 and $9 x 3 = $27

The trick is in the statement, "The three men had now paid $9 each, or a total of $27. This plus the $2 the bellhop kept for himself makes a total of $29."
The $27 is the total payment and $2 is a cost, not a payment! It just happens to add up to $29 giving the illusion of a missing dollar.
HtownHarry is on to the answer. They did not pay $9 each for the room. They each paid 8 and a third dollars and the bellboy kept two thirds of a dollar from each of them. The $25 that the deskman kept plus the $2 that the bellman kept plus the $3 that was refunded to the three men equals the original $30. There is no missing dollar.
..You are faster than I am. While I was thinking and writing and then rewiriting and then rewriting again you posted twice.
So what do the bears and the bulls do when they are led (or mis-lead) to believe that there is (or will be) a contraction in the money supply?
So what do the bears and the bulls do when they are led (or mis-lead) to believe that there is (or will be) a contraction in the money supply?

They go see a cubs vs white sox game and drink beer?! :D

Or do I have the wrong bears and bulls in mind? ;)
They go see a cubs vs white sox game and drink beer?! :D

Or do I have the wrong bears and bulls in mind? ;)

Ding ding ding! I trace my ancestry to Chicago, dem be the teams. Love your stories about The Loop.

This can't be topic drift when we veer off into talking about retirement activities. I spent a great afternoon at the Cubs Spring Training Park--hope to do that again after retirement.

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