who rule the world?


Full time employment: Posting here.
Apr 18, 2006
There are 8.7 million millionaires in the world.
( Europe: 2.8 North America: 2.9 Asia-Pacific: 2.4 )
Undoubtedly who rules the world would be found in those and can peddle a lot more influence and clout than any other human being.

Politics (congressmen, presidents), media, hollywood, Corp-CEOs (big-oil, hi-tech...) are to be found on the 8.7million list.

But who really rule?

- The org chart up above probably more resembles a complicated web and those categories are often overlapping (Reagan both Hollywood and Politics, GWBush both big-oil and Politics...) . But is there a common source?
Is it something like that?

Hollywwod ->
Religious orgs -> Media -> Politics -> decisions
Corp-CEOs ->

- I have read estimates of 300 or 3000 families? You might need $100 million to be in this group? Is money the only way to reach this club?
there is no who but there are various whats which seem to rule. the big two in this apparently dualistic world are greed (or fear) and compassion (or love). as both groups are elite yet hardly exclusive, regardless of your income level, you are free and even invited to side with either. as to the common source, i'm not one to say.
According to the last Forbes list of the wealthiest people on the planet that I looked at (several years ago), there are just over 100 billionaires in the US. If you are looking for people who rule the world, I would start there. :)
.............in the end those 100 are "but dust in the wind". "not one more minute can they buy."
perinova said:
There are 8.7 million millionaires in the world.
( Europe: 2.8 North America: 2.9 Asia-Pacific: 2.4 )
Undoubtedly who rules the world would be found in those and can peddle a lot more influence and clout than any other human being.

Politics (congressmen, presidents), media, hollywood, Corp-CEOs (big-oil, hi-tech...) are to be found on the 8.7million list.

But who really rule?

- The org chart up above probably more resembles a complicated web and those categories are often overlapping (Reagan both Hollywood and Politics, GWBush both big-oil and Politics...) . But is there a common source?
Is it something like that?

Hollywwod ->
Religious orgs -> Media -> Politics -> decisions
Corp-CEOs ->

- I have read estimates of 300 or 3000 families? You might need $100 million to be in this group? Is money the only way to reach this club?

It depends on your definition of "rule." Are you speaking of creating law or influencing political opinions? Could it be influencing popular culture? The question is too vague other than that the minimum requirement be that you are at least a millionaire. What about the billionaires?

The lead singer of the band U2, Bono, has done more good worldwide than President Bush. Both are millionaires and influential. The question is way too open to interpretation.

And is Stephen Hawkin a millionaire? I don't know, but people like him influence every aspect of our existence.

And when it comes down to it, it's the hardworking people that show up at work every day, the ones that don't make millions every year, that drive the bus, serve the food and police our streets that rule the world. Without them, it all stops and all your millions are meaningless.
Trek said:
It depends on your definition of "rule." Are you speaking of creating law or influencing political opinions? Could it be influencing popular culture? The question is too vague other than that the minimum requirement be that you are at least a millionaire. What about the billionaires?

The lead singer of the band U2, Bono, has done more good worldwide than President Bush. Both are millionaires and influential. The question is way too open to interpretation.

And is Stephen Hawkin a millionaire? I don't know, but people like him influence every aspect of our existence.

And when it comes down to it, it's the hardworking people that show up at work every day, the ones that don't make millions every year, that drive the bus, serve the food and police our streets that rule the world. Without them, it all stops and all your millions are meaningless.
I just meant to start an ingteresting debate on power and money so I haven't given much thought to definition.
Maybe thed efinition would be "to be in the position to significantly influence the course of things to maintain or increase one's own power and/or money" (or the power and/or money of your own chosen organization. This could be family, country, cosa-nostra, company, religion...

You would not be in this club if you could mostly go with the flow; maybe benefit from events but not influence the course of things. Group 2, stock holders and millionaires retired would not be part of this club but benefit from the work of others in companies... Government bond holders also benefit from the health of the country.

The 3rd group lower middle class and below are mainly getting hand outs for staying on the treadmill.

Most on this board if I understand are lucky to be able to step into Group 2 and retire early. It seems that it happens with a net worth of about $1.2M to $1.8M. Some lucky to reach this milestone could stay on the tread mill at that point with income producing securities, a good paying job and reach about $(fill the gap). Since few reach this point this level of asset tbd may bring significant influence and fun. Of course on this board most would call this greed. I guess that would be for the ones whose work largely coincide with their hobby and few other interests (and no health issues).

I don't necessarily think however that it is a monetary requirement to reach group 1 and have some say in the course of things . But it makes it a lot easier: You don't need influencing skills.
Some may also not be "living room celebrities" which is often a side show to entertain us and distract us. Some may be pulling strings in the shadows (Not to start any new conspiracy theory here :D)

There are 8.7 million millionaires in the world.

I read this article a while ago and I recall at the time thinking that the number of millionaires looked low, especially in in NA (2.9mil). Does anyone else think that both the worldwide and NA figure are very low since being a millionaire in the current economic climate is really no big deal IMO?
I read that the number of millionaires estimates very a lot. About 10 years ago it was said that there were 1 million millionaires in NA. At least this new number coincides.
The wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millionaire is interesting and also has a few good links.
It also says that there are 29,000 individuals (families?) in NA with NW of $30millions or more.

A couple with one child and $1million NW. Does it mean that individually those people are millionaire? Technically each adult has $500k and the child $0? Does it depend whether it is a community property state or not? :confused:
perinova, i don't know anything about conspiracy theories, but by your take on power you'd think exxonmobil's budget of $16,000,000 for its misinformation on global hey maybe its not really warming campaign would have been a bit more effective. it doesn't matter how many times even the most apparently powerful government evokes god or paints pyramids or third eyes on currency. there will always, eventually, be more power in truth than in a dollar. why? because truth is power. a dollar is only a means to express that truth. it is like asking which has more power, the wire or the electricity? always remember, while you can wire currency, money is not the current, it is the wire.

the only way what seems to be your argument holds any water is if by ruling, you mean shopping. and then yes, your money is much more powerful than mine at the mall.

"there exists an obvious fact that seems utterly moral; namely, that a man is always a prey to his truths. once he has admitted them, he cannot free himself from them."~~albert camus
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