CBOE, ETF and Risk


Gone but not forgotten
Jul 18, 2012
The recent glitch in the CBOE trading brought Mark Cuban to CNBC, to talk about risk in the system, and his question about whether circuit breakers will work to mitigate future problems.

This didn't seem to affect the NYSE or S&P so far.
Much of this goes over my head, as I don't understand how circuit breakers can stop nanosecond options trade problems.
Wondering what others feel about the subject of ETF risks, and what if any of this risk transfers to other exchanges.
Perhaps a good website that discusses the subject?

This comes from Wiki... including the Bogle position.
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Then add to that the CBOE outage this morning that prevented options trading, so frustrating!
How to start a new thread?

I sure wish I knew how. I'm loosing it:-[
The market is sufficiently risky that I no longer use stop loss or stop limit orders as they may be artificially executed by one of these market hiccups.
Probably should have a few outstanding buy limit orders to take advanatage of these things.
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