Did I do the right thing?


Confused about dryer sheets
Nov 26, 2005
     This is my first time posting, but have been a long time reader of this site.  I have a question that is probably an elementay question for you guys, but it has been something that has been nagging at me for about three years or so now.  My wife left her previous emplopyement in which she had a 403 b with about 13K in it.  Subsequently upon her leaving the employment we initially transferred the money to a Mutual of America account with out touching the money (for obvious penalties/early withdrawl reasons).
     Then about two years ago I took this money and placed it into a roll over IRA account with Vanguard figuring to myself this is tax deferred money and I should be okay.  Was I right or have I done something wrong?  I am not sure if it matters, but she has continued to put contributions on a regular basis to her Roth IRA.  She has 10K (2,000 a year since 2000 and plus her Roth rollover for a total of 25K+)  Did I do the right thig by rolling it over or have I done something legally wrong?               
My wife left her previous emplopyement in which she had a 403 b with about 13K in it. Subsequently upon her leaving the employment we initially transferred the money to a Mutual of America account with out touching the money (for obvious penalties/early withdrawl reasons).

Was this first transfer directly into an IRA?
Was this first transfer directly into an IRA?

I mis-typed we kept it with Mutual of America...which was the holder of the original 403 b we continued with them without touching the money...Then I rolled the money over to the Vangaurd rollover IRA.
It is okay to rollover to a qualified IRA (such as Vanguard) from the employer's plan even after two years.
As Spanky cited, you can roll a 403(b) any time after you leave employment into a rollover IRA, you just have to follow the rules. If Vanguard handled the rollover with the original broker, odds are it was done right.
Thank you for your responses...You guys are great and very responsive to new posts from less informed peolple thanks again....Romanman
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