Experience with AssetBuilder Inc.


Recycles dryer sheets
Jan 3, 2008
My wife and I are considering a switch from our current FP. Anyone have any experience with AssetBuilder Inc.?
I am a DIY investor so I can't recommend any FP, but they do not come much better than Scott Burns. I've read his books and his Dallas Morning News financial columns for many, many years. I would expect Asset Builder to be top notch, best of luck.
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After reading his column and his blog for many years, I have the highest respect for Scott Burns.
Depending on the size of your portfolio, you can get the same access to DFA funds for less cost. Check out Evanson Asset Management. They charge a flat fee based on the complexity of your situation regardless the size of your portfolio.
Thank you for mentioning this site. I remember hearing about it a while back, but it sunk into the inky shadows of my mind and I never checked into it. I did notice that for the annualized returns the simple Couch Potato portfolio did the best. I imagine the 50% in Inflation Protected Securities was a big help. Of course, past performance does not predict......
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I don't have any direct experience, but DFA Funds & Scott are great in my mind. I also believe you will need to set up an account with Schwab if you go that route.
Does Mr Burns really have anything to do with this? Or did he just lend his name to the endeavor?

That said, the outfit seems worthy of an extensive interview along with a few others on one's short list.
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