Movie: Margin Call


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Sep 15, 2010
Thailand countryside, Sisaket province
Just saw the movie "Margin Call" last night. Terrific and chilling. Fictional but not unlike the movie "Too Big to Fail". Maybe this belongs in the Forum, "What Did You Do Today" but it touches on the mindset in the Financial companies during the 2008 crash.

Interesting to see right after the MF Global meltdown. Reminds me of seeing "The China Syndrome" right around the time of the Chernobyl meltdown.
I saw it right after it came out. Good movie. Demi Moore is looking good. Jeremy Irons is great as the head honcho macho guy. The movie made a few moral points, which I appreciated. Lots of immoral yet legal things going on. One strange thing I noticed was that the makeup people had Kevin Spacey looking like a morphing of Tommy Lee Jones and Russel Crowe at times. I hope they make a drama about the SEC and other regulators, and what they were doing, or not doing, at the time.
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