Need Trusted Source for Answers to SS Questions


Dryer sheet wannabe
Oct 27, 2010
I am looking for one or more websites for asking specific social security questions whose answers I can 'trust'. does not address some of the specific questions I have.

Also, what other 'senior' or 'retirement' forums are good sources of info. We are looking to move from California to a more cost effective (and less financially troubled) state such as Tenn or South Carolina and want to get in contact w/retired people living there to ask questions.

Thanks in advance.

"Trust none of what you hear, and half of what you see..."
I think people often get good answers here. But I'll agree with LOL, go to the bogleheads forum and make sure that "social security" is in the title of you question. SScritic will show up and he/she seems to be very accurate.
It wouldn't be the most efficient method timewise, but have you considered calling SSA or making an appointment with an SS office to talk with a caseworker? I suppose they still do that.
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