Pick up a part-time to get to FI faster or use that time to pursue my dream?

I’ve started 7 companies, earned roughly 8 digits (pre tax) from entrepreneurial activities, and I totally disagree with this “all-in” mentality I keep hearing. I don’t get emotionally attached to my ideas. I figure out the cheapest and least time-consuming method to test an idea. If it shows promise (i.e. willing and paying customers) quickly I keep going. If not, I move to the next easily-testable idea. I eschew any idea that requires tons of time and investment simply to test the market. Others may disagree, but I’ve never worked more than 40 hours/week even with my own companies and been able to maintain good balance with non-work activities.

Bravo - very inspirational.
That's pretty awesome/incredible RenoJay!

What types of companies/businesses were they? What products/services?

Thanks guys. Most of the earlier businesses were Internet stuff where I learned how to test my ideas with literally a couple hundred bucks. For the ones that were duds, I shut them down, but once in a while something would hit in a big way. Later companies (after making some money) were real estate investment businesses, basically trying to capitalize on the enormous drubbing my state (Nevada) took during the downturn. Again, it was never about betting the farm or going “all in” on an idea...it had more to do with finding undervalued assets with legitimate cap rates.
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