Suze, Dave, Rick, et al.

I guess Helaine Olen really struck a nerve with her article. Here is another take on it from Megan McArdle

How to Put the Brakes on Consumers' Debt - Bloomberg

McArdle's generalizations about blue state/red state seem idiotic, although I'm sure it makes her feel fine and all Puritanical.

Ramsey on avoiding debt is fine, but he fairly oozes with unctuousness and self-righteousness, like Suzey. I can only take about 5 minutes of it, but I'm sure this is helpful to most of his audience. His investment advice could be harmful and I don't like the "associates" but I guess he has to pay his rent somehow.

I do like Clark Howard--even when he is wrong, it's pretty clear he is trying his best to help and he's fairly modest.
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Cramer - I don't trust fast talkers and the "In your face" style.
Suzie - A little to annoying for me to listen to.
Rick - Never heard him.
Dave - Used to listen to him while driving. Couldn't believe how ignorant about personal finance so many high income people are. Got tired of the show.
Clark - Appreciate his effort to help people LBYM and consumer information. Best of the bunch by far.

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If nothing else, just seeing the financial stats of the people who call in to the show is a weekly reminder of how fortunate I am to be FI and able to ER, and not saddled with the burdens these people have of debt, job losses, under water mortgages, and bad relationships.

Before I cut the cable, I used to watch Suze's show each week for this reason. However, then the "How Am I Doing" segment would come on, and she advised most of the people to continue working until 70 (no way!) so they could maintain or exceed the income that they're currently receiving. Then I'd start feeling anxious because we probably would never have enough money to replace the current income. Then I'd have to go read Mr. Money Mustache and realize we don't need our current income to live happily, or run FIRECALC and talk to the Vanguard advisors so that I can see that, yes, we will have enough money in retirement.
Went Northern VA last weekend to visit DD and DGD. On the way home driving on Leesburg Pike I passed the site of the new sports stadium for the Loudoun Hounds (ALPB) and the Virginia Calvary (NASL). Looks like there's good money in advising people to buy index funds. Edelman Financial Field

Love Dave Ramsey and Clark Howard. I can only take a couple of minutes of Suze. Her best advice actually comes the first minute or so of the show anyway.I can't take all the psychobabble. And not everyone needs a million dollars in the bank in order to retire or to take a $3000 vacation.
I don't know who Rick is either.
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