Tax Reform and Tax Strategies


Dryer sheet wannabe
Sep 7, 2016
Sorry that I may be late on this. I’ve been pretty busy the last few months, and I failed to do adequate tax planning for the year. I have a three tax planning worksheet that required little tweaking, but that was before the recent (not so recent) tax reform.

I plan on taking a hard look at tax planning up to 2025 pretty soon. For all the people that are tax focused, I’m wondering what tax strategies are people taking on? How has it changed since tax reform?

My main focus is reduce taxable income to 12% which is going to be pretty easy for the next couple years. My goal is to save most of my dollars (dollars invested) at 12% taxable rather than tax deferred. If anyone is wondering, my current household income is ~$110k. And ~$135k, starting 9/1.

Any input is welcomed. I hope to get some new ideas from you guys. Thanks.
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