What 'ya doin'?

Retired over 4 years, early 60's, my pension with medical deducted covers all my expenses (paid off mortgage 17 months ago) and I bank on average $850-900 a month... I live very frugally. I have almost no cash since what I save each month eventually goes to pay for LTC, fuel oil, firewood, property taxes and I just had to buy a used car to replace my old one and that really knocked me down to almost nothing. I was 35/65 but smelled blood in the water back in the summer and I have been buying on dips. I'm up to 65/35 which probably is too aggressive for my risk tolerance but I lost so much in 2008 thru 2010 I am trying to earn some of it back.
Still working, hoping to ER Jan/Feb or at least take a long break.

We have two teenagers 17 & 15. In July we moved the oldest childs 529 into cash, left the other one as is. We didn't want to lose any money for college next year.

I haven't changed anything else - just plugging along as usual.

Trying to figure out how to invest if we actually sell our business.
I have roughly ten years vested into a state pension plan. I think my state is one of the few that has managed their pension well. I have no concerns about it. I max my Roth IRA and put $500 a month into my 401k anyway.

If I continue to work for the government then I will be able to retire in twenty years at age 55. The pension and social security will be all that I need. Actually social security alone would probably be enough for me. My living expenses, excluding taxes, are around $24k per year.

I would like to ESR before 55. My taxable account is 100% stocks, outside of emergency cash. I would like to generate around $15k from my taxable portfolio and then work enough to generate about the same amount of money. My taxable portfolio will probably throw off around $5k in dividends this year.
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