Transition Day!


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Sep 12, 2002
What a beautiful day! I am setting hear watching the fog rise on the golf course behind our house thinking of all the things that I “need” to do. But in time. They just don’t seem that important. New screen name and a new phase. Its time to change from Tomcat98 to JDARNELL. I thought it just sounded good. Kind of like Keith Stone, Randall Pink Floyd, Billy Joe Jim Bob etc.

Today is my first day of terminal leave after 21 plus years in the military and the transition day from many years of ER planning to be an ER. The plan was to sleep in and just let things happen. So far that is not the case as sleeping more than 4 hrs is going to take some time. So I went back and reviewed the first few posts I submitted on the board over 7 years ago.

I am stunned at how many of those initial thoughts and concerns were worked out by watching others on the board and also how many things are still in place. During the initial threads Nords, GDER, Samclem, Deserat etc said some things that were spot on. The discussions about the insomnia, stress, type A personality, realizing there is too much to do and work gets in the way, job offers, kids activities, volunteer opportunities, emotional retirement process, rental property, medical care still hold true.

My bucket list is so long that I don’t think I will ever get thru it. Plus there is a honey-do list. Watch out for the job offers. Just as Nords said as people have heard I am retiring the emails and calls have started coming in. I am in the deny, deny, delay delay, resist mode on this one. I have told them that I was hanging out with my kids until school starts, then some time decompressing and call me after the end of year. I was able to duck a formal retirement ceremony however in about 45 days we will have a big BBQ at our place.

Now for the important stuff. My son went 3 for 3 last night and made some great plays at short stop. My other son just finished all-stars and looks like will be trying out for a competitive team. Translation we are going to be looking back and yearning for just 16 hrs of baseball a week. But its all good.

Well I think its time to get ready to go to the steam room, followed by a couple of hour road trip to clean out the Jag on the interstate with my favorite toons cranked, then back to the ball field to watch my son pitch. :dance:

Thanks to all the folks that have helped along the way. For those of you that are on the path, plan your work and work your plan!

Nice post, and congrats!
JDARNELL, I really enjoyed reading about your transition day as you wrote about it very eloquently . Congratulations, on your dream coming true!
Its time to change from Tomcat98 to JDARNELL. I thought it just sounded good. Kind of like Keith Stone, Randall Pink Floyd, Billy Joe Jim Bob etc.
Not enough info to judge. Is it "Jay Darnell" or "Jay Dee Arnell." I think the later has more of a rhythm to it. :)
Thanks for the post. I gives those of us still w*rking toward ER continued encouragement. Enjoy!:greetings10:
Well I think its time to get ready to go to the steam room, followed by a couple of hour road trip to clean out the Jag on the interstate with my favorite toons cranked, then back to the ball field to watch my son pitch.

Sweet and congrats. May I suggest Little Feat's, Let It Roll, the long version. And take those boys out for a pizza after the game.
Congrats on your ER and such a great post on your transition day. There will be many more wonderful ER days ahead and that to do list, well it will still be there tomorrow. Enjoy! :dance::dance:
Congratulations! Your ER journey begins now (see my sig line), and I hope you have a great retirement, as has been the case for so many of us. :D
Congratulations again! Of all the military-to-ER transitions we've seen here over the years, so far I've enjoyed watching yours the most.

This thread should be added to the FAQ Archive collection of "But... what will I DO all day?" posts.

Your comment about the job offers reminds me-- avoid (another) one of my mistakes. I regret not keeping a list of all the unsolicited offers and their salaries. At the time they seemed unforgettable but after nine years they've all sort of blurred together.

But for the next few weeks, I bet your biggest problem is going to be muscle cramps from the huge grin on your face.

Not enough info to judge. Is it "Jay Darnell" or "Jay Dee Arnell." I think the later has more of a rhythm to it. :)
Especially if the "D" stands for "DeWayne"...
Congratulations on the transition. Hangup the Uniform and put on the Civis!

Just think of how much you will save on haircuts! :D
Thanks. Yesterday was a good day. My 2 hr ride turned into a 4 hr trip. I expect to save about $15 a month on haircuts plus razors. I am going to go thru the house and make sure I have low watt bulbs in everything. I really need to set down and update the budget but I will get around to it.

Booked tickets for CINC house and myself to go to Hawaii in Sept. Hers is round trip and mine is one way. I plan on catching a Space-A flight from there to :confused:. She will come home and take care of the Kids and I will show when I get finished. Should be fun!

JDARNELL, Best of luck with your retirement and THANK YOU for serving our country. One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been.
Congratulations. Thanks for the day one post!
Update to Transition Day

I thought I would provide a little update on what I have been doing since my transition day. I have noticed my time on the board has decreased dramatically since I have not been at an office. It seems harder to set down and post when it is now my time.

My transition period has only been about 11 weeks (I think) and overall it has been pretty good. I will tell you though there were three days that I was like what have I done. On a positive note I have had three nights where I actually slept full nights without medication. Still have the sleep issues though.

Kids finished summer baseball and started fall ball so for a couple of weeks in August I was getting to watch them play. I did not have a formal retirement ceremony however we had 75+ folks over for a retirement party. My office presented me with the traditional military parting gifts and my boss pinned my AF retirement pin on my "Charlie Harper" shirt. Everyone said that for the first time in a long time they saw me actually not tense nor hunched over and smiling. I must admit is was a nice way to close that chapter of my life.

From there CINC house and I went to Hawaii for a few days. We hiked Diamond Head, she swam with the dolphins, we went to a Luau, and were able to see some friends. It was a nice time just us hanging out. We haven't got to do that in a long time.

From there she returned home to once again take charge of the household as I bummed around for a month flying Space A. So my trusty back pack and myself set out for Australia. It was an amazing trip! Everyone was so nice, optimistic, and welcoming. I doubt we will ever live overseas however I can see us spending 3 or 4 months a year in different places and I will make sure my kids have some of the skills on the land of Oz critical skills list for immigration. Australia will definitely be in the top three for first places to go.

From there I returned to Hawaii where I hooked up with Nords for a day of hanging out, surf lessons, touring the Nords' construction site etc. It was a great time! Next it was off to Northern California, Pittsburgh, Charleston SC, and finally Atlanta. It was nice to see the extended family.

Finally I am back at home base. Tomorrow taking the kids to school, working on a 8th grade humanities project, and baseball practice. Looks like I have a few errands to run and things to get accomplished the next few weeks.

I have a federal job offer at a high step GS-14 with a start date in 30+ days. Still not sure how this is going to play out as they wanted me to start in Aug and I have been putting them off. I have managed to get all the paperwork completed they needed the past few weeks in between my adventures. Whatever happens will happen I guess. I talked to a friend of mine today and he was asking me about it. I thought it was funny that he said I can tell you are not going to lose any sleep over it. If I do take the job it is just making hay so it is really hard to get excited about going to do it. Of course I do like a challenge.

I see mortgage rates are down again. I am about to the point where it is hard to get excited about doing the paperwork for such a small cash flow improvement. Continuing to work on simplification of daily tasks. I still loath budgeting so I am going to implement the zero based budgeting strategy I talked about a few yrs ago. Each month X amount will go into an account and I will replenish as needed sometime the next month (hopefully). This should get a little easier since BOA is stopping the FIA 2% Schwab card. Only one more large purchase to make which is tires for a vehicle.

CINC house seems to be adjusting to my retirement pretty well. Tomorrow we are going to hang out running errands.

I have been retired since July 31 and also have a job offer but I am having a hard time getting excited about it. I know how you feel. Enjoy!
Welcome back! I was wondering when/where you'd surface.

... surf lessons, ...
The inside joke is that for the last several years he's been sending all his friends and even USAFA cadets out here for surfing lessons. I think he wanted to verify the survival rate before he made the commitment.

He did great on our 10'0" in a typical south shore 2-4.

But JD, if you're thinking about taking a GS job then I guess surfing didn't grab your attention like it did to me...
Welcome back! I was wondering when/where you'd surface.

The inside joke is that for the last several years he's been sending all his friends and even USAFA cadets out here for surfing lessons. I think he wanted to verify the survival rate before he made the commitment.

He did great on our 10'0" in a typical south shore 2-4.

But JD, if you're thinking about taking a GS job then I guess surfing didn't grab your attention like it did to me...

Thanks. I have been laying low the last few days. The alarm just went off (ughhh) to finally get me up out of the bed even though I have been laying there half the night not sleeping.

As for the surfing it is kind of hard to do it here in Colorado. Plus there is no salt water for me to drink and get sick. ;) And as for the job, the alarm clock goes into the "con" category.
What's this watching the fog rise on the golf course stuff; get out there and play and then play some more.

Best wishes for a long and happy retirement:dance:
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