One Million in Retirement Funds, Can I go Part time now?

I wouldn't sell the scrap dealers short. No degree required, a possible early start on the career (more earning years), no tuition debt or expense, no responsibility for human lives, no keeping up with the Joneses factor from the other scrap dealers, no malpractice insurance required, scalability and a job that can potentially operate without their on site presence every day.
Back in the day one of my many assignments while I was employed by Megacorp was to administer the sale of high value scrap (aluminum, copper, gold, silver, platinum, etc.) generated by Megacorp operations. This was done by advertised competitive bids. The buyers were an international group, mainly from the Far East, as well as some USA bidders. Some of the bidders represented megacorps, some were individuals, and some were rather secretive. They all had to have letters of credit. They would gather at the appointed time and appeared to have a fine time at the vendor viewings. They often knew each other.

This was a colorful group, mostly salesman types. I really enjoyed meeting and talking to them (sometimes through interpreters).

Thanks for the memories!
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