RE put on hold..


Dryer sheet wannabe
May 31, 2005
Hi all,

Just a question to see if anyone has put their goal of achieving FIRE on hold to pursue other interests, and then got back on track after all is said and done.

i'm 28 y/o and would like to explore living overseas in asia.  I'm too comfortable at my current position and fear losing that comfort if living overseas is not the right move. 

Curious to know if anyone has ever done something like that and what the outcomes were.
That is a hard one!

I'm currently chomping at the bit to get out there, but DH is still working. We talk a lot about what if things don't come together as planned next year, then maybe he should just quit anyway and we'll travel while we still can (late 30s) and want to, then we'll go back if we need too ~ such a toss up.

Have you ever read any of the boards at There are lots of travelers there. Most just save enough to travel then go back to work (no ER in sight) but some are taking breaks from work to go.

Edited to correct web address.
the site is currently down, i'll check again later.

what does DH stand for? I am still trying to figure out some of the acronyms.
Sorry! That is my fault is is!!

Yes, we do need a translation manual. DH is Dear Husband.
Well gravesend,

I have the luxury of not knowing all the complexities of your situation.   And advice is cheap, especially anonymous internet advice.

But jayzuz louise, go for it!  You're in your twenties, have a net worth that many 40 somethings would envy, and are yet to be tied down by life's joyful encumbrances.  Although you have concerns about your marketability, you must have at least some street smarts to be where you are net worthwise and salarywise. 

You seem unhappy in your current position.  This is not unusual, except for the fact that you have options.  Tramp around southeast Asia for some months.   It may turn some of your perspectives inside-out.  I can almost guarantee that hindsight will smile upon your lark.

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