Possible virus in your joints?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 10, 2007
Is it possible to have a virus that hits your joints? One day it hurts a hip joint and a knee. Another day it hurts the opposite hip and both knees and an elbow..and so and and so forth. It seems to travel around but mainly it hits joints below the waist--except for my left elbow.
When I spoke with my friend who is a public health nurse, she said that what this is that I had. And that it lasts in your system forever. Going on 3 months now.
Not disabling or keeping me from activities, but more a pain (literally).
Anyone else experience this or have some knowledge as to a virus like this?
Don't know, but I think so. Doesn't Lyme's disease do the same thing?

When one of our kids was younger, they had some kind of viral infection that made their knees and elbows bright red and hot to the touch. She looked like a banded shrimp. It lasted about a week.

Go see your doctor.
Is it possible to have a virus that hits your joints? One day it hurts a hip joint and a knee. Another day it hurts the opposite hip and both knees and an elbow..and so and and so forth. It seems to travel around but mainly it hits joints below the waist--except for my left elbow.
When I spoke with my friend who is a public health nurse, she said that what this is that I had. And that it lasts in your system forever. Going on 3 months now.
Not disabling or keeping me from activities, but more a pain (literally).
Anyone else experience this or have some knowledge as to a virus like this?

Sounds like a normal day...
I think virii do stick around forever, but some of those we develop immunity to. Others, like age, continue to take their toll (as I am noticing...).

I experience all sorts of minor aches and pains when the barometric pressure changes rapidly (fair one day, rainy the next). Never in the exact same place, but always in the same region of the body.
But I know the reason why, my good friend RSI.
I've been screened for arthritis and both types are negative. I had a full neurological evaluation done to rule out fibromyalgia.
Nothing turned up that was an obvious reason except for my long days in the off*ce chair under high stress. Not anymore. :D
So I just deal with it and do some stretching or light massage to the affected areas. Or take an aspirin. Or whine here. ;)

Why am I telling you all this? Because a visit to the doc and some basic bloodwork will figure it all out for you.
You know, I was just telling someone that I am now experiencing minor aches in certain joints when it gets rainy out. Is this just getting old? It sucks. Now I see WHY geezers head to sunny Florida and Arizona! Now I get it!!!
I find that stretching for 10 minutes or so in the morning on a stability ball helps me with the middle-aged joint stiffness that I get on occasion, particularly when I have walked a lot the day before. I probably have some arthritis starting to flare, too, as it runs in the maternal line. I have never seen a doctor for it as it comes and goes and doesn't hamper me too much.
Not sure if you've taken an fluoroquinolone antibiotics (CIPRO, LEVAQUIN, etc.) over the last year or so but they have serious negative impact to your joints and tendons. Its been a year since I took 500mg for 12 days and I'm still recovering.
Not sure if you've taken an fluoroquinolone antibiotics (CIPRO, LEVAQUIN, etc.) over the last year or so but they have serious negative impact to your joints and tendons. Its been a year since I took 500mg for 12 days and I'm still recovering.

Do you know how/why these antibiotics hurt your joints and tendons? Just curious about what is happening.
Do you know how/why these antibiotics hurt your joints and tendons? Just curious about what is happening.

I'm no doctor so I'll not speculate but it does have a black box warning from the FDA about tendon damage.
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