Sleep. For a nightcap, which is healthier: alcohol or marijuana? if you need chemical

no close up screens and low or no light end of evening to stimulate melatonin

take 10mg melatonin with time release

try melatonin with L-theamine in same pill

no caffiene after lunch

no alcohol evenings if waking up to pee

fall asleep listening to podcast or tv on sleep timer, use earbuds if not sleeping solo

sleep in guest bedroom
I'm resurrecting this thread because, on a whim, I bought a bottle of the new NyQuil Pure Zzzz, which is drug free (melatonin, lavender, chamomile, and valerian root).

They tout it as helping you to get to sleep faster, which is why I tried it. I haven't seen any evidence of that (if anything, I feel like I'm awake later), but it suddenly occurred to me this morning how rested I have felt for the past week or so. Realized that I haven't been getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, which I've done since I was little.

I have pretty much felt tired my entire life, so this feeling of being rested is completely alien. :) I can't say with 100% certainty that it's the Zzzzs, but I'm not going to mess with it.

Only down side is that they are very sugary gummies, which bugs me. But they went with a grape flavor, which I love.

I may try to start taking them an hour before bed instead of 30 minutes, to see if that helps getting to sleep. But maybe what's really happening is that I am going to bed just by the clock and now that I'm getting better sleep I can stay up later.

Anyway, just a data point if someone wants to know.
Alcohol might help you fall asleep faster but it interferes with the quality of your sleep and by morning you are not well rested. I recommend using time release melatonin. And exercise during the day.
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I'm resurrecting this thread because, on a whim, I bought a bottle of the new NyQuil Pure Zzzz, which is drug free (melatonin, lavender, chamomile, and valerian root).
Sounds like interesting stuff but why would you describe it as drug free? Just because the four you mentioned don’t have the chemical names?
Sounds like interesting stuff but why would you describe it as drug free? Just because the four you mentioned don’t have the chemical names?
How about "natural agents"? I just meant things that weren't initially generated in Big Pharma's labs.
I have had trouble sleeping for 6+ years. Time release melatonin works best for me for a few days. I recently tried edible pot on a recent TV trip to Colorado. No help.

Hoppy beers work best. Double IPAS. I have recently started taking a hop supplement to avoid the beer calories.
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I have had trouble sleeping for 6+ years. Time release melatonin works best for me for a few days.

Early in this thread, I posted a Link on Melatonin. I wonder if anyone read it?

Melatonin works on both systems. It has a weak “hypnotic” effect on Process S, making you immediately sleepier when you take it. It also has a stronger “chronobiotic” effect on the circadian rhythm, shifting what time of day your body considers sleep to be a good idea. Effective use of melatonin comes from understanding both these effects and using each where appropriate.

2. What is the right dose of melatonin?

0.3 mg.

“But my local drugstore sells 10 mg pills! When I asked if they had anything lower, they looked through their stockroom and were eventually able to find 3 mg pills! And you’re saying the correct dose is a third of a milligram?!”

Yes. Most existing melatonin tablets are around ten to thirty times the correct dose.
I'm resurrecting this thread because, on a whim, I bought a bottle of the new NyQuil Pure Zzzz, which is drug free (melatonin, lavender, chamomile, and valerian root).

They tout it as helping you to get to sleep faster, which is why I tried it. I haven't seen any evidence of that (if anything, I feel like I'm awake later), but it suddenly occurred to me this morning how rested I have felt for the past week or so. Realized that I haven't been getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, which I've done since I was little.

I have pretty much felt tired my entire life, so this feeling of being rested is completely alien. :) I can't say with 100% certainty that it's the Zzzzs, but I'm not going to mess with it.

Only down side is that they are very sugary gummies, which bugs me. But they went with a grape flavor, which I love.

I may try to start taking them an hour before bed instead of 30 minutes, to see if that helps getting to sleep. But maybe what's really happening is that I am going to bed just by the clock and now that I'm getting better sleep I can stay up later.

Anyway, just a data point if someone wants to know.
I know some people that swear by NyQuil as a sleep aid. The local grocery stores and pharmacies cannot keep up with the demand. Many times the store shelves are empty of the stuff.
I know some people that swear by NyQuil as a sleep aid. The local grocery stores and pharmacies cannot keep up with the demand. Many times the store shelves are empty of the stuff.
Yes, though this is not the straight NyQuil, nor the newish ZzzQuil, which is just Benadryl in a Quil package. I've certainly use either of those once in a while for sleep aids, but this Pure Zzzz is more for nightly use, and also touts the lack of grogginess.
DH is having excellent results with OTC supplement HTP-5. He still gets up at night to let dog out, etc. But instead of coming back to bed and lying awake for hours, he’s back to sleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. Placebo effect? Maybe, but he is very skeptical of anything not prescribed by his MD but has become a big fan of this particular bedtime supplement.
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Indica. Eating requires some preparation, decarbing(heating to convert the THCA/CBDA into THC/CBD that your body can process) and extraction into a fat. It's not hard and there's machines that automate the process. Eating raw cannabis will make you wish you hadn't!

Cannibis Sativa is for energy, Cannibis Indica is for relaxing and sleep.Many strains are 50/50 hybrids today, terpenes are being explored by some for specific purposes.

More so than a somewhat artificial label of indica or sativa, (most are hybrids anyway) maybe more important is the terpenes of the marijuana buds. The terpenes are responsible for the taste and a lot of the effects. If you find a variety you like, you'll most likely like another variety with similar terpenes. I like blue dream for sleep, it's 85% sativa, but very relaxing.

Same with pain, or energy. If you fine a variety that works for you pay attention to the terpenes. Other varieties with similar terpenes will be closer in effect than say two sativas would with different terpenes. It's the cannabinoids, (over 70) terpenes and the ratios of each that determine the effects.

Most medibles won't have much in the way terpenes compared with fresh buds as they disapate during cooking. Not many folks could tell a sativa from an indica in medibles form.

We make our own cannacaps from a mj concentrate we make ourselves. I squeeze buds with a 20 ton press to extract the oils. And use the oils mixed with coconut oil in size 00 gel caps. The ratio of canna oil to coconut oil will determine dose. The capsules set up in the fridge or freezer. We take one each in the evening. The capsules are much easier to get a correct dose than say brownies in a home setting.

For sleep cbn may be the most important cannabinoid. I believe it can be separated by heat, but I don't have any personal experience. I'm sure labs will figure it out. A lot of people swear the left over mj from vaporizers is good for sleep when eaten in a capsule. High cbn i guess. I never tried this myself.

As far as mj being so much more potent now? Show me the evidence. It's not there. (my little pet peeve) Today's herb is much better because it's grown better and handled with care. While yesterday's brick weed is like an old nag next to a racehorse. In fact one trend is to grow the old landrace varieties, before so many breeders took over without too much rhyme or reason. I still haven't seen anything now as strong as panama red in the late 70's. Was it high thc? Maybe, or maybe the terpenes. It was really something though, lol.

Its true that breeders have bred towards higher thc (and away from cbd) in the past but that's changing, especially in the medical mj area. But again the terpenes can have a huge effect both medically and effect wise. High thc strains are actually boring compared with a more balanced strain. Today's breeders go for medical effects and taste (terpenes) probably more so than for thc alone.

And yes I'm in a legal state. It's a shame everyone isn't.
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More so than a somewhat artificial label of indica or sativa, (most are hybrids anyway) maybe more important is the terpenes of the marijuana buds. The terpenes are responsible for the taste and a lot of the effects. If you find a variety you like, you'll most likely like another variety with similar terpenes. I like blue dream for sleep, it's 85% sativa, but very relaxing.
In DC the terpenes are not listed. It would be good if the commercial sources were required to analyze their strains and list a common set of component values. I take it they are doing so elsewhere.
In DC the terpenes are not listed. It would be good if the commercial sources were required to analyze their strains and list a common set of component values. I take it they are doing so elsewhere.

We're in the infancy of legalization, so I expect a lot of advancement in the next few years. Commercial providers do test for potency, pesticides now, and some are testing for terpenes. Strain info is available on the web, and a knowledgable bud tender can help as well.

If it weren't for politics we'd probably know a lot more already, but the science of cannabis is expanding fast. And as consumers demand more info, providers will eventually comply.

It's kinda ass backwards but the business of cannabis is pushing the science at the moment. I'd like to see some govt oversite and standardization but first we have to educate the govt. A more daunting task than legalization, lol.
More so than a somewhat artificial label of indica or sativa, (most are hybrids anyway) maybe more important is the terpenes of the marijuana buds. The terpenes are responsible for the taste and a lot of the effects. If you find a variety you like, you'll most likely like another variety with similar terpenes. I like blue dream for sleep, it's 85% sativa, but very relaxing.

Same with pain, or energy. If you fine a variety that works for you pay attention to the terpenes. Other varieties with similar terpenes will be closer in effect than say two sativas would with different terpenes. It's the cannabinoids, (over 70) terpenes and the ratios of each that determine the effects.

Most medibles won't have much in the way terpenes compared with fresh buds as they disapate during cooking. Not many folks could tell a sativa from an indica in medibles form.

We make our own cannacaps from a mj concentrate we make ourselves. I squeeze buds with a 20 ton press to extract the oils. And use the oils mixed with coconut oil in size 00 gel caps. The ratio of canna oil to coconut oil will determine dose. The capsules set up in the fridge or freezer. We take one each in the evening. The capsules are much easier to get a correct dose than say brownies in a home setting.

For sleep cbn may be the most important cannabinoid. I believe it can be separated by heat, but I don't have any personal experience. I'm sure labs will figure it out. A lot of people swear the left over mj from vaporizers is good for sleep when eaten in a capsule. High cbn i guess. I never tried this myself.

As far as mj being so much more potent now? Show me the evidence. It's not there. (my little pet peeve) Today's herb is much better because it's grown better and handled with care. While yesterday's brick weed is like an old nag next to a racehorse. In fact one trend is to grow the old landrace varieties, before so many breeders took over without too much rhyme or reason. I still haven't seen anything now as strong as panama red in the late 70's. Was it high thc? Maybe, or maybe the terpenes. It was really something though, lol.

Its true that breeders have bred towards higher thc (and away from cbd) in the past but that's changing, especially in the medical mj area. But again the terpenes can have a huge effect both medically and effect wise. High thc strains are actually boring compared with a more balanced strain. Today's breeders go for medical effects and taste (terpenes) probably more so than for thc alone.

And yes I'm in a legal state. It's a shame everyone isn't.
Great post.

What type of press do you use? I've been looking at some videos on rosin extraction. Is that similar to what you are doing?

I use a mighty vape and save up the AVC, extract in coconut oil; yes it is sleepy medicine. Of course it's mainly from indica strains.

I'm going to research more about terpenes, I didn't realize how volatile some are. It's makes sense, sometimes lower THC and tasty does more for me.
I have a cheap harbor freight press. ($150)And I added an air assist pump later. ($90) On the press I use low temp plates. ($479)

For a smaller cheaper option Google : dab press. You can get some smaller presses in the $300 range complete.

Your mighty is a great vape! Did you know canopy growth bought out s and b, mighty s parent company?

Oh and thanks to the poster that brought up micro dosing. You really don't need much marijuana for a good medical outcome. More isn't nessarilly better. Some folks vape tiny amounts like .02 grams. So a little goes a long ways.
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I have a cheap harbor freight press. ($150)And I added an air assist pump later. ($90) On the press I use low temp plates. ($479)

For a smaller cheaper option Google : dab press. You can get some smaller presses in the $300 range complete.

Your mighty is a great vape! Did you know canopy growth bought out s and b, mighty s parent company?

Oh and thanks to the poster that brought up micro dosing. You really don't need much marijuana for a good medical outcome. More isn't nessarilly better. Some folks vape tiny amounts like .02 grams. So a little goes a long ways.

Presently, my best friend has his permit for medical marijuana here in Illinois. For health reasons, he has to use edibles. Do you know which type would be best for pain relief and minimal 'high" ? CMD?
I'm surprised at how much weed has been vilified on this thread. Hey, we aren't working anymore, right? What's the big deal if someone vapes a bit of weed? It's not as bad for you as alcohol and surely Benadryl and the like is just a substitute for alcohol or sleeping pills - chemicals. I'm just surprised this forum has what would appear to be a majority of people who are anti-weed (calling it dope - really? where are we? 1972). I thought over 50-60% of America supports legalization? No aging hippies here I guess. Did they all take low paying jobs so they can't retire early? Color me confused....

I so agree. Haven't used weed for years but after I retire I plan on it. Not for sleeping or pain relief but just for fun LOL.
I have a cheap harbor freight press. ($150)And I added an air assist pump later. ($90) On the press I use low temp plates. ($479)

For a smaller cheaper option Google : dab press. You can get some smaller presses in the $300 range complete.

Your mighty is a great vape! Did you know canopy growth bought out s and b, mighty s parent company?

Oh and thanks to the poster that brought up micro dosing. You really don't need much marijuana for a good medical outcome. More isn't nessarilly better. Some folks vape tiny amounts like .02 grams. So a little goes a long ways.

Yes, I'd heard about S&B being acquired, they're great. Hope nothing changes. My last one went back on an RMA and they stood behind the product.
Presently, my best friend has his permit for medical marijuana here in Illinois. For health reasons, he has to use edibles. Do you know which type would be best for pain relief and minimal 'high" ? CMD?

I grow cannatonic #4. It tested at .5 thc and 15% cbd. A user may get a brief buzz, but there really isn't any outward feeling. It's more of an absence of pain, and I feel more energetic. It smells just like juicy fruit gum.

But to your question a high CBD, low thc variety should work.

Jeffman52. I smoked a little in the 70's, but quit on my own and soon after was drug tested due to a security clearance for most of the next 30 years. It wasn't until I was retired and our state started a medical mj program in 08 did I restart.

It's a whole new world. There is a lot more knowledge about cannabis now. I'd start slow and get yourself a decent vaporizer. Then just experiment until you find something you like.

After I started I lost 35 lb, drank less, slept better, stopped taking opioids, became more active since i had less pain so there's no going back.
After I started I lost 35 lb, drank less, slept better, stopped taking opioids, became more active since i had less pain so there's no going back.

Absolutely so awesome to hear others having to same experience! From 2010-2015 I took 180 opioids and 60-90 benzos every month. Now 0 and no pain.
I learn so much here on this forum. You guys are like marijuana nerds. All science, data & tech. Takes me back to my college biology class. Well, actually, I’m afraid I’ve never heard of a terpene. I learn something new every day. Very grateful for the smart posts!

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