OT- Dell resellers, mostly for th & wab


Recycles dryer sheets
Feb 9, 2005
OT but just saw this and would forget it, if I didn't post right away:

Looking at eBay, there appears to be a GLUT of Dell 8400, FlatPanels, and Inspirons ... far more sellers than buyers. It would appear that the recent D3LL promos have been too tempting for resellers to resist. They have managed to scoop up ALL of the bargains ... and now they don't seem able to get their costs out. Many are now selling for less than our scripting resellers paid for them.
Could this be a ploy by D3LL to "punish" resellers? To drive them out of business?

Thought you might find interesting, as I think a few people have commented here about the resellers snatching up Dells, and Wabmester mentioned refurb deals lasting for seconds. I didn't realize some of these people were using programs/scripts to get their deals.
Yup, competition in the outlet has become very intense. It used to be man vs man. Then it was man vs script. And these days it's mostly script vs script. I posted a suggestion on fatwallet about how Dell could thwart the scripters by making a minor change to their cart algorithm. My idea wasn't well received by the scripters. :)
I've snooped the refurbs from time to time without seeing anything I'd want to buy; mostly overpriced "yesterdays" gear. Well aware of the whole culture thats grown up around this though. There are whole companies (probably one or two people) that just scrounge up refurbs and resell them.

I hope Dell does find a way to put a 'crimp' in this plan...while I love capitalism I also like the idea of having regular people have something of a shot at getting a nice pc at a reduced price. It wouldnt toast my oats as much if some of these 'dealers' werent hiding the fact that the machines are 'refurbs', although I buy a lot of refurbished stuff without problems I sure would like to know what I'm paying for...
th said:
There are whole companies (probably one or two people) that just scrounge up refurbs and resell them.

Yup. If you have ever visited fatwallet, there is a member there named Azuirk who does just that. He has made so much money doing it that he has a Centurian AMEX card, and a nice $1M house (who knows what it's worth now.... this was a few years ago) in the clear. His girlfriend is also pretty hot :)
It's funny that Dell is giving up profit, selling things cheap enough that resellers snatch them up to ebay. Dell could sell on ebay itself, if it increased sales and/or allowed sales at higher prices. Which it seems to, if resellers are doing well.

I hit the button to edit my (original) post, but it doesn't let me move the post to another forum.
If a moderator wants to move this thread to "other topics;" or if that can't be done, delete this thread to clean this admin board; or would rather not bother, and leaves this thread here, in case of any of the above I wouldn't mind.

hmm, I should take a writing class...may have angered the grammer gods >:D
Done that.

Grammar God
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