Third Political Party 2008


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jul 14, 2005
I'm fed up with the dopes in Washington.

I can think of only a couple Senators that would be in my "Statesmen/women" category - Hagel & Obama come quickly to mind. I've struck McCain from the list last month :p

I'm thinking the US and I are ripe for an alternative and it could be possible that a third Party of some middle of the road flavor might have a slim chance.

Last night on the News Hour there was a Dem & Rep floating an idea of a third "Middle" party which would run a Presidential ticket with a Republican and a Democrat. What the hell! I could be interersted if they got the right people....

Let's see..... Powell or Hagel and Obama ;)
Third parties have no chance.

After weeding out the yellow dog republicans and democrats, the only effect a 3rd party has is to draw votes away from whoever they're just to the left or right of.

I dont think we're going to see anyone further to the right than the current rendition of the republican party, so you'll probably see a 3rd party do exactly what its done in the last handful of elections...steal votes from the democrats...

Nobody has the billions of dollars that go into the existing two parties campaigns...and people just vote for whoever looked good to them on tv and didnt get the worst smear job.

Which is sad, but there it is...
Is a bald man (or woman to be fair) electable in this country :'(
Cute Fuzzy Bunny said:
...and people just vote for whoever looked good to them on tv and didnt get the worst smear job.

Which is sad, but there it is...
Eisenhower!..but you have to be a supreme commander and win a world war
Hopefully we get someone Fiscally Conservative and Socially Liberal!

A clone of Bill Clinton would be ideall. If the worst thing he did was soil a blue dress (Oh and lie about it), we'll be in great shape!
If there had been more sex in the white house with whomever was available, we would be much better off right now
DanTien said:
I'm fed up with the dopes in Washington.


Let's see..... Powell or Hagel and Obama  ;) 
My guess is the only reason these three are still on your short list is because you don't know as much about them as the people you've eliminated already. :-\

Seriously, the left-right-middle labels don't seem to apply much anymore. I'd like to see politicians rated on the corrupt liar -- honesty continuum first. I think I could stand most of their political leanings if I knew they weren't simply working for the PACs and lobbyists. :(
Indeed, I care a lot more about the lies, payola, and secret deals of Duke Cunningham, Tom Delay, and Dick Cheney's energy "task force." Of course, with secrets, it's hard to know what to worry about so you tend to rely more on character. I figure if Cheney had a hand in it, Rush is in favor of it, or O'Reilly is screaming about it, worry is an appropriate response.
hmmm, the post I responded to has vanished, leaving my post twisting in the wind. Ah well, I'm off to Edisto anyhow.
DanTien said:
If there had been more sex in the white house with whomever was available, we would be much better off right now

As long as it doesnt involve Dick and George.

I think instead of investing billions in putting a man back on the moon, we should put a few bucks into putting one on Condi.
Cute Fuzzy Bunny said:
After weeding out the yellow dog republicans and democrats, the only effect a 3rd party has is to draw votes away from whoever they're just to the left or right of.

If the "Conservative Xtian" party starts up as an alternative, they will get my donation. Not my vote, though...
sgeeeee said:
DanTien said:
I'm fed up with the dopes in Washington.


Let's see..... Powell or Hagel and Obama  ;) 
My guess is the only reason these three are still on your short list is because you don't know as much about them as the people you've eliminated already.   :-\

See, now as much as I may have disagreed with you on the other post, I totally agree with this. One of us could be in trouble. :eek: :D

Seriously, the left-right-middle labels don't seem to apply much anymore.  I'd like to see politicians rated on the corrupt liar -- honesty continuum first.  I think I could stand most of their political leanings if I knew they weren't simply working for the PACs and lobbyists.   :(
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