Average % of Int. sales for US corps?


Recycles dryer sheets
Mar 18, 2007
OK, I've got dedicated international exposure of 30% in my portfolio. But actually I've got more international exposure than that because many of the US equities that I hold also have international sales. Example, the US megacorp that I work for has international sales of 15%. Adding these international sales numbers (of US corps) how much foreign exposure do I really have? I don't want to go to each US equity fund or for that matter each company held in the fund and look up their international sales numbers. Here is my question: What is the average % of international sales of US corporations? Anyone have that figure? ... or would you care to guess?
My financial services megacorp is about 25% and I suspect that many of our competitors are at the same percentage.
Its very dependent on the sector the comapny is in. Check out some of the semiconductor companies and you will be surprised how high the % is. Btw it works the other way also. For some of the intl companies, the largest revenues come from US.

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