orphan art $12


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Feb 27, 2006
just discovered this: Help Orphan Art Orphans Art: Orphan Art Inc Help Orphan Art Orphans Art: Orphan Art Help - MMK4MKT

looks real interesting. based out of sarasota fl.

Every picture you buy, the money goes to the children , period end of story.
anyone know as to its veracity?


edit: just found this article: HeraldTribune.com - Entertainment - Features and lifestyle news stories about Sarasota, Manatee and Charlotte counties in Florida, from the newspapers of record. - HeraldTribune.com

Sailing or flying to far-off lands, Keller donates art supplies to orphans, then sells their artwork online and at the Farmers' Market on Saturdays in downtown Sarasota....

Along with the profit made from the sale of prints, Keller said he has put "tens of thousands" of his own dollars and received about $3,600 in donations to keep Orphan Art Inc. afloat.
"I'm not good at promoting a nonprofit ... I'm good at going in the jungle and getting art to these kids," he said.
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well, its refrigerator art that's supposed to help people. though what do i know; i even like graffiti--the good stuff, not just the tagging.

as to purchasing the artwork of the insane...

LG4NB, you’ve really got me going; I’m taking next week off and really need an art fix, overdue to hit the galleries. There is a lot of contemporary stuff out there that I may not like but because I’ve been exposed to it, I want to take a really good look when I come across it. Two famous artists come to mind (and I’ve forgotten both of their names): one does eyes like the drawing you showed us and the other was a NYC graffiti artist. In my neighborhood there was a "cement artist" who I think stopped producing his sidewalk comments and signatures maybe 15-20 years ago; it is always a "find" to see his work on the sidewalk; I know it well enough to consider some of it forged.... Someone really needs to remove a few of his great pieces to the gallery walls (or floors). That could be a good retirement project.
In my neighborhood there was a "cement artist" who I think stopped producing his sidewalk comments and signatures maybe 15-20 years ago;

A few blocks south of my house is a corner with "F*ck Work" scrawled on the sidewalk. I have seen it there for at least 18 months; I can't remember if it was there before that. Must be some very tough paint.

Kind of an ER Manifesto. :)

A few blocks south of my house is a corner with "F*ck Work" scrawled on the sidewalk. I have seen it there for at least 18 months; I can't remember if it was there before that. Must be some very tough paint.

Kind of an ER Manifesto. :)


My current favorite on a nearby house construction site is: "Hurry, the eighth deadly sin." and someone else wrote, "no, W is the eighth." It's been up forever, maybe construction stopped for some reason. Truth in graffito.
I’m taking next week off and really need an art fix, overdue to hit the galleries.

i'm not only overdue but starting to suffer withdrawal. when going to new york last summer, i planned a full day of submersion at the met, one of my all-time favorite places; but instead got so involved with other events that i left feeling my trip incomplete as it had been years since i enjoyed a visit there.

i’ve always had a special relationship with art, especially with drawing & painting, one mostly of admiration but also tainted with a touch of envy. as much as i find beauty there, art throws in my face my own ugly limitations. unlike other unaccomplished accomplishments in life—becoming a scientist or a doctor, a lawyer or a statesmen—art is one of those things that i could not have just buckled down to do. having spent overtime in school taking courses in the many disciplines, i learned early & for fairly certain what i can and can’t do even when i put my mind to it. drawing continues to elude me.

while not a complete hack, i studied architecture for two years. concepts i could grasp. i had a good sense of space and i could picture what i wanted on paper but drawing played havoc with me. i was less coordinated even than when i tried sports. i’d spend hours on a rendering to finish only part of it while the guy next to me had a virtual polaroid picture completed in less than a quarter of the time it took me to get one corner done. this must be what it is like to be handicapped, to be unable to see even though i have eyes or to talk even though i have lips or to mobilize my hands just to express myself.

some of it encourages me think deeply, some of it fosters me to wonder in a daze. to some i avert at eye. i find some art sometimes inspiring but almost always somewhat humbling when it shares with me what i can not for myself do.
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