What have I done?


Dryer sheet wannabe
Nov 5, 2008
Hola Todos!
I just opened my first account with T Rowe, I am DCA $100 into PRMSX, and $100 into PRNEX.

I am a single full time student (27), I have 35 years until FIRE, I beg borrow and steal to make $27K, (hence the full time student-part :) and am probably doing this all wrong, but heck, gotta start somewhere.

So you have a natural resources fund (PRMSX) and an emerging markets fund (PRNEX). Both pretty volatile, but as you say, you have to start somewhere.

There are probably other ways to start investing $200 a month, but if you are comfortable with that amount not being available (it can go down), it's a start. I'd encourage you to start reading about investing (anything by Jack Bogle) so as you can begin to make other choices with your money later on.

-- Rita
Hola Fatman and welcome!

You're saving, regularly, that's a great start. Keep reading the forum -- there are a lot a good FAQs available and lots of folks posting good information. Educate yourself over time and you'll be able to tune your investment strategy.

Are you investing in an IRA?

I do think you've picked a great time to start buying.

Welcome Fatman.

Just had a conversation with one of my team; she is 26 and has been investing for a few years: "I've got an emergency fund, but the rest is all going into high risk stuff (read: a balanced fund) and I'm not touching it for 30 years. I'm not looking at my statements".

There is hope for Generation Y!

I am a single full time student (27), I have 35 years until FIRE, I beg borrow and steal to make $27K, (hence the full time student-part :) and am probably doing this all wrong, but heck, gotta start somewhere.

You might be surprised that you don't have to wait until you are 62. I started investing when I was about the same age as you and I made less and lived in very expensive cities. The key for me was that I always made those investment 'payments' to myself and I always lived below my means. Also, I made a lot of mistakes along the way but time and consistency smoothed over all those issues so that today -- in midlife -- I can see it all get flushed down the National Money Hole. But hey, I did my part. You might be starting out at a very propitious time since the market might actually be near a bottom. Good luck and welcome.
Hi and welcome.

As noted, now is the time to start. And maybe you won't have to wait 35 years to FIRE.
Bienvenidos El Gordo:

Sounds like you have made the most important step of all - realizing that you need to plan for the future. Now, just LBYM, save and invest regularly and I'll bet you won't need to wait 35 years.

Best wishes,

cliche du jour - "the race is often won by taking the first step."

welcome and good to see you have a plan. :D
stick around - there are some very smart folks here and we will often post links to resources for planning and strategies.
ask any and all questions.

cliche du jour, part II - the only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
Yes, it is a Roth IRA.

Hola Fatman and welcome!

You're saving, regularly, that's a great start. Keep reading the forum -- there are a lot a good FAQs available and lots of folks posting good information. Educate yourself over time and you'll be able to tune your investment strategy.

Are you investing in an IRA?

I do think you've picked a great time to start buying.


Yes, It is a Roth IRA. Thank you everyone for your greetings. I am reading some the FAQ sections now. (This place is great, of all the time I've spend online in the last few years, If i'd only been here instead of facebook, & youtube.
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