how to <del>fake</del>project enthusiam at interiews after an ER pill?


Recycles dryer sheets
Sep 23, 2007
near L.A.
This is a sequel thread spawned from my other thread

So I went to a couple in-person interviews, one of the problems I faced now is that I no longer have that gong-ho attitude I once had now that I've converted to the FIRE religion. But this kind of lack-lust attitude is detrimental at interviews (of course I'd never show it), so how do you psych yourself into wanting to wo*k again? are there some mental exercises you can do? I need to keep rowing before I can reach other side of the river. Here's a playback of some recent memorable moments:

interviewer: what is your dream job?
me: a job where I can continue to improve myself, keep on learning new technologies and use them effective in my projects, where I can be proud to show my kids and say "look, I built this."
my inner self: huh? did that really come out of my mouth? my dream job is doing whatever I want.

interviewer: do you have a iphone?
me: not yet
my inner self: no, you idiot, after 8 hrs at work spitting out code, last thing I want to do is keep myself plugged in. If i have a few hundred to blow, I'd pick up a beat up zodiac on craigslist, patching it up and motor it around the marina.

interviewer: how do randomly shuffle an array of integers into another array and what is its access time using big-o notation?
me: (trying to come up with some semi correct answer at the whiteboard, felt like doing some monkey dance in front its master. )
my inner self: I really don't care, go google it yourself

according to my spreadsheet, I need to wo*k at least another 10 yrs before FIRE...
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I reached my FIRE about 5 years ago and still continue to work PT. What makes it work is that my employer respects my time and I respect him during the hours that I am working and do the best possible job.

I too do computer programming, however, I rarely face deadlines but I am expected to turn in quality work in a timely manner.

I am where I want to be in life for the moment.
My mom periodically has asked me after not working for 10 year, how/if I can find a job. I generally tell her it would be tough. I had completely forgotten that you had to lie through your teeth during the interview process.
You have my sympathy.
according to my spreadsheet, I need to wo*k at least another 10 yrs before FIRE...

I can imagine what you will feel like when you are 2 yrs from FIRE. But I can assure you one thing, your interviewer will be more impressed with you at that time. Interview is all about perception, when there is no pressure body language shows more confidence. Then after starting the job anti-climax builds up, they expect a lottery, a high achiever go getter...
Just remind yourself that you DO want to work. Or, rather, you want the benefit that the work will bring you.

You're thinking, "Man, I don't want to work, I want to be retired..." Sure, who doesn't? (Well, among those on this board, anyway...) You have to look at it all in the right light, though. You need to look at the interview and tell yourself, "I want this opportunity to further my goals. I want to make the most of this chance to get where I need and want to be!"

Remember - do not let the job work you. You work the job. It will get what it wants from you for a while, but you have a trick up your sleeve. You are getting what you want from it.

You are like a martial arts master. You go to the job and let it throw its money at you year after year. You let it think it has trapped you into bondage by forcing you to need it and what it provides, and then, just when it thinks it has won, you use its own strength against it. All this time, it thought that paying you money made you dependent on it, when, really, you were stealing its strength and destroying the hold it had over you. You were taking the paychecks that were meant to be your shackles and smelting them into the great sword of FIRE that would burn away the darkness and set you free! :D
I had completely forgotten that you had to lie through your teeth during the interview process.

thanks for reminding me that, and I'm getting good at it as I continue my job hunt. I think the trick is how do it with a straight face and not feel the guilt afterwards.

I think the saying should really be "lies, damned lies and interviews."
PM me if you find that zodiac, motoring around the marina sounds like fun...:D
thanks for reminding me that, and I'm getting good at it as I continue my job hunt. I think the trick is how do it with a straight face and not feel the guilt afterwards.

I think the saying should really be "lies, damned lies and interviews."

Yep, you have to put on your BS hat.;)
Maybe it's too late for a fresh look at "work" that you enjoy doing.

I tell my youngest son that if there are 5 five jobs you would like to do, pick the job that you would do even if you weren't paid. Then, actually choose the single job out of the five that you would enjoy that pays the most.

Why? we all have to work and, if so, do the work you enjoy and can do with passion. That way you can be honest, earn praise for work well done and let go of all of the negativity.

Later in life? Choose, again, and retrain if neccessary. We have to have the net worth to retire or mooch from society. No one is suggesting we, how do we enjoy today, earning and working since we HAVE to if we can't afford to retire.

I'm retirement age, I can afford to but I haven't........I'm training my replacement. So, I take long weekends and love them, I go to work, wish I wasn't there but I enjoy my work. Life is too short to be miserable, working or retired.

Many people die months after they retire; why, they didn't think past leaving a job they disliked. That's sad and what I am trying to avoid as I spend more time outside of work. Good luck, I really hope you can find something that puts a smile on your face as you go off to work each day.
... one of the problems I faced now is that I no longer have that gong-ho attitude I once had now that I've converted to the FIRE religion. But this kind of lack-lust attitude is detrimental at interviews (of course I'd never show it), so how do you psych yourself into wanting to wo*k again? are there some mental exercises you can do? I need to keep rowing before I can reach other side of the river...

I am struggling with this as well. As a gov't employee (currently on military leave) - I got the notice in the mail that I am #2 on the list for a promotion - please send in resume to express interest, blah blah blah. Well, since the position = larger salary, and I am recalled as a recruiter at "home", I sent in my resume. Got the call today for the interview (tomorrow). I am on mil leave for another full year (probably will extend up to the max 5 years if the USN lets me) - but logically, I know darn well I need to have plan B covered. Tomorrow I get to smile, nod, and put best foot forward ("why, YES I DO want this position, I'll be fabulous at it! It's my dream job! Yes, I am returning to state employment next April...blah blah blah") On a side note, the person who would report to me is good at her job, but I have a nagging feeling there would be friction. Of course, I have no clue what the office climate is like either, and my research on the DL has not produced worthwhile info - which is a bona fide concern having started out at a great office, transferred to another which sucks (location is better at current office, but I'd trade that commute knowing what I know now - office climate/culture!) Where is the crystal ball when you need it?

As Hopeful asked, how do you psych yourself into this??
Here's what I'm going to do after I FIRE.

Fill my resume with the latest tech buzzwords and fake experiences
go in the interview, BS my heart out
on my way out, I'll say "oh, btw I'm retired. I just need to have some human to talk to today" and enjoy the look on their face...

this would be a nice sequel to John Cleese's Monty python where he absolutely tormented an innocent job interviewee(made him do all kinds of ridiculous things) then at the end, Cleese told him the job had already been filled and he just wanted to make fun of somebody.
Tomorrow I get to smile, nod, and put best foot forward ("why, YES I DO want this position, I'll be fabulous at it! It's my dream job! Yes, I am returning to state employment next April...blah blah blah")

welcomed to SFA --> (Secret FIRE Anonymous)
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