Other Income/Spending


Dryer sheet aficionado
Jan 7, 2009
Is there any way to increase the number of entries in the section entitled: Pensions, "Off Chart" Spending Changes, etc. There are only three entries allowed now.
I'd like to do that too, Bigfoot, so will check back on your thread.
There is no way to increase the number of entries on the Other Income/Spending tab.

However, you should be able to accomplish the same thing using the "Manual Entry of Spending Changes" option on the Spending Models tab. (Note that this option is only available if you are logged in as a FIRECalc supporter.)
bigfoot said:
Is there any way to increase the number of entries in the section entitled: Pensions, "Off Chart" Spending Changes, etc. There are only three entries allowed now.

I also have hit a wall on that - had to do rough calculations and combine different things.

Doubling those slots would help.
How to add more entries

Does anyone out there know how to add more entries?
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