DIY Doctoring

Alternative treatments abound.

Desperate, sick Indonesians use railroad 'therapy' - Yahoo! News
Ignoring the red-and-white danger sign, Sri Mulyati walks slowly to the train tracks outside Indonesia's bustling capital, lies down and stretches her body across the rails.
Like the nearly dozen others lined up along the track, the 50-year-old diabetes patient has all but given up on doctors and can't afford the expensive medicines they prescribe.
In her mind, she has only one option left: electric therapy.
"I'll keep doing this until I'm completely cured," said Mulyati, twitching visibly as an oncoming passenger train sends an extra rush of current racing through her body.
She leaps from tracks as it approaches and then, after the last carriage rattles slowly by, climbs back into position.
Hey, it ain't rocket surgery.
A Glendale man stuck a butter knife into his belly in a failed bid at self-surgery to remove a painful hernia, police said Tuesday...
Lord knows I am not a Doctor... but... aaaaaaaah... how do you take a hernia out??

I wonder if alcohol was somehow involved.... and probably a lot of it!
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