what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Got up at 4am. Shut down outside door detection "beeps". Opened the garage door manually. Put her old car in neutral and pushed it out into the driveway. Went to my workshop and washed the new car, put on the plates and a big green bow. Then drove it into the garage and went back to bed.

DW woke up and I told her that I was getting her car (the old one) repainted as her Christmas gift, but the the repair shop was worried that they couldn't repaint over the spot on the roof. DW said "what spot? - there's no spot on my roof!" and went to the garage to inspect. She saw the bow on the car roof and said "Oh - that spot - how clever!". She didn't recognize that the bow was on the new car. Then she said "Those aren't my license plates", looked closer and screamed. I think she's happy. I know I'm happy that this is finally over.

Well done!

Happy that you're happy that she's happy...that's a lot of happy. :LOL:
In the last week have given a squidload of money to organizations and individuals.
Pulled money out of TSP after asking myself: "What am I saving this for?"
In the last week have given a squidload of money to organizations and individuals.
Pulled money out of TSP after asking myself: "What am I saving this for?"
Khan, very kind of you to do this. You have made others happy and yourself as well! Good for you.
Last Sunday had 24 family over for a pot luck Christmas dinner. We all had a good time.

Friday had pot luck lunch with a collection of former co workers and had a good time

Spent today day hosting my cousin and her son and daughter. We had a great but quiet day. Ate a lot of junk food and cooked for the kids.

Tomorrow I will have another full dinner with another cousin and visit my favourite two year old.

This has truly been a blessed Christmas. Must diet after new year.
For the first time since 1975 I got to spend Christmas with family.
In keeping with the highest standards of military tradition, after a sustained superior effort far above & beyond the call of duty and with complete & utter disregard for my own personal safety while on a mission of critical importance to national security*, I think I've finally succeeded in overdosing on holiday chocolate.

We'll have to see if this dawning awareness is the first step in aversion therapy. Perhaps, just to be safe, and in the interests of scientific thoroughness, additional [-]fiber[/-] research is called for.

[*Did I miss any boilerplate superlatives from the SECNAV awards manual?]
Spent the day with old and new friends, snowshoeing, eating a wonderful Christmas dinner, and playing a hilarious game of Trivial Pursuit. Life is good!
Great day at home with DW, youngest son and his girlfriend. Plenty of presents all around, some nice walks, and played a card game till bed time. In between, a big turkey dinner and plenty of adult drinks- they stayed the night and will head back home sometime today. They talked of leaving early but I realize that for them, early is probably mid afternoon!

Nice work Ronstar, on the deception!
In keeping with the highest standards of military tradition, after a sustained superior effort far above & beyond the call of duty and with complete & utter disregard for my own personal safety while on a mission of critical importance to national security*, I think I've finally succeeded in overdosing on holiday chocolate.

We'll have to see if this dawning awareness is the first step in aversion therapy. Perhaps, just to be safe, and in the interests of scientific thoroughness, additional [-]fiber[/-] research is called for.

[*Did I miss any boilerplate superlatives from the SECNAV awards manual?]

* yes...

"...NORDS has brought great credit upon himself, his unit and the entire United States Navy."

Well done Commander, forks away!
* yes...
"...NORDS has brought great credit upon himself, his unit and the entire United States Navy."
Well done Commander, forks away!
Ah, thanks, I was too [-]bloated[/-] busy to wedge myself back into our naval archives closet under our steps...
Nice bike ride with Lena and Jenny in between rainstorms.


Realized I’ve been a forum member for five years today.

During this time I’ve made dear friends and received sincere support during some of my darkest days. Folk’s opinions from different walks of life have opened my mind for further consideration. Many tears have been shed and humor has ranged from smiles to nearly peeing in my pants. I’ve gained knowledge regarding finances, retirement, health issues, affairs of the heart, travel, pet care, the military, music, housing….

…..and bacon.

At the time of this writing, there have been 14,860 views to my profile page, 1,045 ‘thank yous’ received, 7,899 posts made, 47 new threads submitted….

….and a partridge in a pear tree.


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... humor has ranged from smiles to nearly peeing in my pants..
Links to such posts, please?

I don't want to miss out on any such good fun. ;-)
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bbbamI - Congrats on the 5 years!

I agree - this forum is a great source of info on a variety of issues, and certainly helps to smooth out the potholes on the road of life.
Links to such posts, please?

I don't want to miss out on any such good fun. ;-)
Hmmmm...well, what makes me piddle my pants might not do the same for you. ...ummm, do men admit to leakage due to humor or do they just say they spew their beverage on the computer screen....:blink:

bbbamI - Congrats on the 5 years!

I agree - this forum is a great source of info on a variety of issues, and certainly helps to smooth out the potholes on the road of life.
Thanks Ron. :)

btw, I too loved your gift story. :flowers: Kudos to you for causing your DW to scream with delight.
Hmmmm...well, what makes me piddle my pants might not do the same for you. ...ummm, do men admit to leakage due to humor or do they just say they spew their beverage on the computer screen....:blink:
Well, I am still curious, so as to "refine" my jokes. I like to tickle women (verbally only!) , you know? ;)
Yardwork. Three cans of green waste at the street, ready for tomorrow's pickup. Now just as soon as I rebuild the fuel lines on our weedwhacker, I can start hacking back the jungle formerly known as our back yard downslope.

Going out tonight with some shipmates whom we haven't seen in at least 15 years. When we last met, we took our kids through the San Diego Zoo in strollers. Now one is a sophomore in college and the other is a sophomore in high school. We're going to dine in Waikiki and then stroll among the sights & sounds, no doubt remarking how we haven't changed a bit over the years...

Links to such posts, please?
I don't want to miss out on any such good fun. ;-)
I guess it could've been worse-- you could've asked for pictures.
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Did my charitable contributions for the year today. Waited too long to do them through Quicken Billpay and have them go out before year end so I had to write a bunch of checks. Yuk.

Now wondering how ER will/should change my level of charitable giving since I won't have a paycheck coming in and the tax benefits will be significantly less. Perhaps my level of giving will fluctuate with market performance. Well, I have a year to figure it out.

Also shoveled the walks and deck, filled the wood rack and swept off the cars. And took a nap.
Just noticed that my status has jumped from 4 stars/"Recycles dryer sheets" to 5 stars/"Full time employment: Posting here".


Now that is exciting!!! Interesting timing too given my recent RE.
Exciting day here. Fire alarm kept going off this morning, but no smoke. Thought it might be the woodstove so I emptied it and we opened doors and windows for a while. After about an hour of the alarm going off every 10 minutes (after the hush period ends) I called the electrician who installed them about a year ago. He said that a number of his customers had been having problems recently and he would replace the detectors with a different brand.

Through trial and error I isolated it to the unit in the great room, removed it and all has been quiet since. Still have 4 units in place so still well protected.
Just came inside from some yard work. The major pastime of my wife has been growing a veggie garden. In between growing seasons, I help by turning the soil and add amendment, i.e. manure, and dozens of bags of it. Temperature in the 70s, a perfect day for outdoor activities. T'is the nicest time of year in this part of the country.

I guess it could've been worse-- you could've asked for pictures.
Well, perhaps I committed a faux pas by asking bbbamI to reveal some of her most liked jokes...

For you see, I have an ulterior motive...

I have noticed that some frequenters here never contributed any joke. Some others, a lot. I have done my share, and thought I have some good ones. Now, many of the jokes are of a sexual nature, and I have been guilty of contributing a few (hey, I only did it as a follower of the crowd). However, the ones I am most proud of are the jokes that cannot be said to be offensive by anyone. Not sexual, not political, not racist...

Something like this...

I was particularly proud of that. It was spontaneous, unexpected, and caught her by total surprise. Gosh, I still feel proud! Didn't I say I like to "tickle" people?
What a beautiful day, just back from a nice walk with the dog at the reservoir. Wore shorts as it is 73 at this very moment. Yesterday was nice as well. Got in 9 holes of golf,washed and polished my SUV. Tonight.....eat some bbq, watch some football and enjoy a few med's. Is life great or what?:)
I have noticed that some frequenters here never contributed any joke. Some others, a lot. I have done my share, and thought I have some good ones. Now, many of the jokes are of a sexual nature, and I have been guilty of contributing a few (hey, I only did it as a follower of the crowd). However, the ones I am most proud of are the jokes that cannot be said to be offensive by anyone. Not sexual, not political, not racist...

Something like this...

I was particularly proud of that. It was spontaneous, unexpected, and caught her by total surprise. Gosh, I still feel proud! Didn't I say I like to "tickle" people?
Ahhhh...you know I've been thinking about what you might look like...the best I could come up with was something like this..... I believe you have thick dark hair and it may be longer than is shown in the photo. But that's ok....I've always enjoyed a mystery.

As far as the sexual nature of humor goes...you have indeed tickled my fancy. :cool:


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I've often kidded Jenny about how she tends to leave things open -- backpack, purse, etc. Lena mentioned that Jenny had left the garage door open, and I joked to J that she has a "closing disorder."

Well, apparently that was the wrong thing to say and now I'm in the doghouse for being judgmental and critical. Women!

Sometimes I think I should give up on joking and just be PC all the time.
I've often kidded Jenny about how she tends to leave things open -- backpack, purse, etc. Lena mentioned that Jenny had left the garage door open, and I joked to J that she has a "closing disorder."

Well, apparently that was the wrong thing to say and now I'm in the doghouse for being judgmental and critical. Women!

Sometimes I think I should give up on joking and just be PC all the time.

Aw!!! Well, I think it was funny, if that makes you feel better. :2funny:

Maybe they were in a bad mood, or maybe it was one of those "tone-of-voice, body-language" things.

I was brought up to close things like garage doors, cabinets, drawers, or exterior doors that are open, and when others don't it seems like something is incomplete or haphazard.
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