what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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I finally had a non-crazy busy day to be able to sit down and log on. :greetings10:

I have a nice starter tan from 2 days of cruising in my Mustang convertible in high 70s weather.

I just got back from a road trip to Lake Ontario to help my friends clean and fix a few minor things at their beach camp. I love helping and in return get full visiting rights all summer. Sweet deal! :cool:

I did some laundry, emptied the dishwasher, and planted some carrots in Earthboxes outside while Mr B w*rked on a web page for the VFW. Little by little I am bring my tender seedlings outside to harden off in the screened porch. We can still get a light frost up until Memorial Day and sometimes the week after. :nonono:
I will be teaching my Adirondack camp friend how to garden on Sunday. He has always wanted to grow his own salads and veggies, but has no clue how to get started. I have plenty of 2013 seeds left over to share. We will be breaking new ground, so I told him he had to run the shovel and rake and I will do the planting and row marking. I'll start him off with snow peas, lettuce, radishes and green onions. Once the chilly nights stop up there, I'll set him up with a few container tomato and pepper plants.

Not much else going on in East Nowhere. My foot is almost completely healed so I am anxious to get back on my ministepper. :dance:

Almost forgot...it is wild leek season. I've been hunting them with a VFW buddy. They are so delicious! I've been using the entire plant to make fabulous salad. My avatar is a photo of some recently captured leeks. :)
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We bought a new car last night. Today we've been saying 'oooh and ahhh' at all the newfangled gadgets. Cars have changed a bit since we bought our last one ten years ago. :)

I really like the car, but I'm thrilled I won't have to go car shopping (hopefully) for another ten years. :cool:
We bought a new car last night. Today we've been saying 'oooh and ahhh' at all the newfangled gadgets. Cars have changed a bit since we bought our last one ten years ago. :)

I really like the car, but I'm thrilled I won't have to go car shopping (hopefully) for another ten years. :cool:

Congratulations! This thread is useless without pictures! So, what did you buy?
Congratulations! This thread is useless without pictures! So, what did you buy?
Thank you. :flowers:

We got a 2013 Honda EX L. We've owned Hondas for over 20 years now. I'll take a pic and post it tomorrow. :)
Thanks guys...:flowers:

Now I just need to work up the nerve to drive it. I feel like when I get behind the wheel of a new car, someone paints a bull's eye on it....everyone is out to get me. :LOL:
Thanks guys...:flowers:

Now I just need to work up the nerve to drive it. I feel like when I get behind the wheel of a new car, someone paints a bull's eye on it....everyone is out to get me. :LOL:

I know that feeling. When I got my first "real" job, I soon got this new sporty black car, guess I thought I was Batman :)

Inevitably, I went to the parking lot one day and there it was: my first DING!!!! POW! ZAP!

A guy who was a little older than me took me out and said it was the best thing that could happen (he is an Indiana car junkie).

He pointed out I didn't need to worry about it anymore. I said I think I lost my virginity. He said you should get touch-up paint from the dealer when you buy the car. And I still do :)
Thanks guys...:flowers:

Now I just need to work up the nerve to drive it. I feel like when I get behind the wheel of a new car, someone paints a bull's eye on it....everyone is out to get me. :LOL:

DW was the same way the last time we bought a new car. It was three weeks before she'd drive it by herself.
We got a 2013 Honda EX L. We've owned Hondas for over 20 years now. I'll take a pic and post it tomorrow. :)

Exactly what I bought about two months ago. My third one in a row (exact same model), and each one gets better fuel economy than the last. About 3,000 miles on it already, with an overall average of 28.4 mpg.
Took DW out to dinner, chatted with a pilot friend I hadn't talked to for a while, and I was going to go to a nearby park for photos but it was getting late, the park closes at dark, so I just went out in the back yard to play with a macro lens and close-up flash.

One of the things I keep reading in all of the photography books is "get out there every day with the camera" so I'm trying to do that. Although taken in daylight at a high shutter speed and small aperture that kills the ambient light so it is lighted by flash only.


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Walt, nice photos!

We went to see Iron Man 3 yesterday. Most enjoyable. Saw the trailer for The Lone Ranger, now on our must watch list.
Had quite a week. Last Sunday we went to see the Rolling Stones. We really couldn't justify the cost of the good seats, so we ummed and aahed about it until online ticket sales were cut off just a few hours before the show. At that point, we suddenly realized that we had to see them. They were playing in our town, just 4 miles away from my house, and it may never again be as easy to go see them. We went to the box office and got great seats for much less than were selling online. Score!

It was a fantastic show. I'll try to avoid getting too wordy, but it was truly fantastic seeing Mick, Keith, Ronnie, Charlie and the whole gang perform their songs.

Then last night, I attended the Oakland Internet Cat Video Festival, the highlight of which was about an hour's worth of internet cat videos being projected onto the side of a large building in Oakland. A few city blocks were closed down for the event. Standing and sitting with several thousand other people and laughing at cat videos was a joyful, gentle and peaceful way to spend an evening. But of course, if I had to choose between the 2 events, I'd pick The Stones :)

Had quite a week. Last Sunday we went to see the Rolling Stones. We really couldn't justify the cost of the good seats, so we ummed and aahed about it until online ticket sales were cut off just a few hours before the show. At that point, we suddenly realized that we had to see them. They were playing in our town, just 4 miles away from my house, and it may never again be as easy to go see them. We went to the box office and got great seats for much less than were selling online. Score!

It was a fantastic show. I'll try to avoid getting too wordy, but it was truly fantastic seeing Mick, Keith, Ronnie, Charlie and the whole gang perform their songs.

Wow! I am so glad that you got to see the Stones. It's hard to imagine that they are still on tour at their ages. I guess that is one difficult aspect about being a rock star that I never thought of; their fans, hangerson, leeches, and creditors all expect them to work forever, and never retire. I used to feel envious of rock stars, with all their music and glamor and fast lives, but that has to grow old at some point.

Remembering an old song, I think I can add a last line:

Now look at them yo-yos thats the way you do it
You play the guitar on the mtv
That aint workin thats the way you do it
Money for nothin and chicks for free
Now that aint workin thats the way you do it
Lemme tell ya them guys aint dumb
Maybe get a blister on your little finger
Maybe get a blister on your thumb
Maybe work hard until your last days come.
Had quite a week. Last Sunday we went to see the Rolling Stones. We really couldn't justify the cost of the good seats, so we ummed and aahed about it until online ticket sales were cut off just a few hours before the show. At that point, we suddenly realized that we had to see them. They were playing in our town, just 4 miles away from my house, and it may never again be as easy to go see them. We went to the box office and got great seats for much less than were selling online. Score!

It was a fantastic show. I'll try to avoid getting too wordy, but it was truly fantastic seeing Mick, Keith, Ronnie, Charlie and the whole gang perform their songs.

Then last night, I attended the Oakland Internet Cat Video Festival, the highlight of which was about an hour's worth of internet cat videos being projected onto the side of a large building in Oakland. A few city blocks were closed down for the event. Standing and sitting with several thousand other people and laughing at cat videos was a joyful, gentle and peaceful way to spend an evening. But of course, if I had to choose between the 2 events, I'd pick The Stones :)

You certainly did have quite the week. Rolling Stones are definitely one of my favorite bands. I have seen then a couple of times. I can't imagine them ever putting on a bad show. However, another one of my favorite bands, was Jethro Tull. The last time that we saw them, I wished that I had not went. Ian Anderson could not put on the show that he once did. I loved his flute and dancing back in the day. I guess we all get old, except the Stones.

The cat video watching with numerous people sounds like so much fun. I have never heard of something like that before. We are definitely cat people. We now have 6 cats and 1 dog in our house. However, if and when my DD's family decides to leave our house, their cat and dog are definitely going with them.
Visited four wounded warriors at Brooke Army Med Ctr. They all had one simular concern~no one (other than family/friends) really seems to care that they are still fighting and getting ground up in the Afghan. Their wounds and sacrifices are just as valid as those in 2002 when the citizenry were all behind the war and thanking them for their service.

Many of these guys I saw today were in the 5th grade at that time.

Thanks for visiting them. Their concerns are valid, IMHO. I will be so happy when there are no Americans fighting anywhere. I wish that there could be no fighting anywhere, but as John Lennon would say, I guess that I am a dreamer. Thank God, my son-in-law, came back without any injuries. His baby brother, age 21, is currently there. I pray that he returns without any injuries also. My niece's son was injured and another niece's spouse was injured. Neither had major injuries though. They would not allow niece's son to reenlist in the Marines and he is receiving disability. Niece's spouse retired from Army and I believe that he is receiving a partial disability. I don't think that the general public is aware how much the wars are costing us now and for many years to come. I especially feel sorry for the soldiers and their families that have to put up with these injuries for the rest of their lives, both the injuries that people can see and the ones that can't be seen.
Wow! I am so glad that you got to see the Stones. It's hard to imagine that they are still on tour at their ages. I guess that is one difficult aspect about being a rock star that I never thought of; their fans, hangerson, leeches, and creditors all expect them to work forever, and never retire. I used to feel envious of rock stars, with all their music and glamor and fast lives, but that has to grow old at some point.

Remembering an old song, I think I can add a last line:

I don't think it grows old with the core members of the remaining Stones (Mick, Ronnie, Keith and Charlie). The ones who became fed-up with it, or who couldn't hack it, have already left the band. Mick Taylor has said that he would probably be dead he he not left, and although I am not a scholar of the band's history, I believe Bill Wyman got burnt out and tired of the rigmarole.

I'm like you W2R - I don't envy their lifestyle at all, but they seem quite happy with it. Keith has talked about wanting to keep on doing this as long as he can and I hope they all do. I would love to see them tour again, and will definitely be going to see them if they do!

You certainly did have quite the week. Rolling Stones are definitely one of my favorite bands. I have seen then a couple of times. I can't imagine them ever putting on a bad show. However, another one of my favorite bands, was Jethro Tull. The last time that we saw them, I wished that I had not went. Ian Anderson could not put on the show that he once did. I loved his flute and dancing back in the day. I guess we all get old, except the Stones.

The cat video watching with numerous people sounds like so much fun. I have never heard of something like that before. We are definitely cat people. We now have 6 cats and 1 dog in our house. However, if and when my DD's family decides to leave our house, their cat and dog are definitely going with them.

The critic in our local newspaper wrote a rather scathing review of the show. He suggested that after this tour, they should hang up their hats and stop touring. I asked myself whether he had seen the same show we had, because the one we saw was excellent. The problem with many music critics is that they are often not fans of the artists they review. He said that Keith's playing was sloppy. Maybe it was - I'm not a musician, so don't judge music by the same criteria. To me, though, it's similar to a critique of a photograph in which the critic notes that the photograph has areas that are out of focus, blown highlights etc, while ignoring the fact that the photographer has effectively captured a very special moment in time and created a picture that has depth and meaning.

The Stones are serious musicians who work hard at it. They are all around 70 years old, give or take a few, and it is so impressive to me that they can do this with the vigor and passion that they do. A 2 1/2 hour performance is physically demanding - especially so for Mick and Charlie IMO. Good for them!

I almost forgot to talk about cats. What can I say - our pets are the best. I am a certified crazy cat lady and proud of it too :LOL:
Thanks for visiting them. Their concerns are valid, IMHO. I will be so happy when there are no Americans fighting anywhere. I wish that there could be no fighting anywhere, but as John Lennon would say, I guess that I am a dreamer. Thank God, my son-in-law, came back without any injuries. His baby brother, age 21, is currently there. I pray that he returns without any injuries also. My niece's son was injured and another niece's spouse was injured. Neither had major injuries though. They would not allow niece's son to reenlist in the Marines and he is receiving disability. Niece's spouse retired from Army and I believe that he is receiving a partial disability. I don't think that the general public is aware how much the wars are costing us now and for many years to come. I especially feel sorry for the soldiers and their families that have to put up with these injuries for the rest of their lives, both the injuries that people can see and the ones that can't be seen.

+1 to everything you said Dreamer. Without taking this into political territory, our military personnel are so important to us that IMO, the very least we can do is to make sure we only send them into harms way if they are absolutely needed, and then to give them all the support they need once they return. We fall short on both of those.

Much respect to our military, and thank you for visiting some of them mickeyd.
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Thanks guys...:flowers:

Now I just need to work up the nerve to drive it. I feel like when I get behind the wheel of a new car, someone paints a bull's eye on it....everyone is out to get me. :LOL:

Very nice car. We test drove one a couple weeks ago, and if we had to buy today, this is exactly what we would buy (with the navi). We just upgraded the truck though (to actually be able yo pull our trailer) so we won't likely upgrade the car for another 2-3 years. It will be 10-11 years old then, but at 8 years old now, it only has 50k miles on it and it's in really good shape. We are on our 4th Honda, and have loved every one of them.

Woke up later than usual. Lunch with friend and coffee later. Ran a number of errands. Pilate in the evening. Surf Internet and watch movies - perfect retirement life.
I drowned or smashed 100's of stink bugs. Then did 100's more. Oh how I hate those stink bugs! Then I finally rubbed down the wax on my van windows and put another coat on. Did I mention that I hate those stink bugs that are everywhere?:mad:

Good news on the stink bug front. It is now documented that there is at least one natural predator for them - bluebirds!

David Hobby writes a neat photography blog called Strobist and in the process of photographing the birds found they were eating stink bugs. And perhaps more importantly, teaching their young'uns to eat them too. Strobist: Bluebirds and Stink Bugs

And he writes that only one of the several scientists he called about it knew.

Go bluebirds!:dance:
Thanks guys...:flowers:

Now I just need to work up the nerve to drive it. I feel like when I get behind the wheel of a new car, someone paints a bull's eye on it....everyone is out to get me. :LOL:

Just park it at any Walmart, and get that first ding out of the way... :LOL:
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