Recent content by 5brown1

  1. 5

    Charlton Heston dies at 84

    If you didn't like him, you could easily have just ignored this thread rather than attempt an insult.
  2. 5

    Anyone here a member of the NRA?

    I've been a member of the NRA for about 20 years - 17 of those years I did not own any firearms. I believe that the Second Amendment is very important to this country and the NRA fights to protect that amendment from those who would destroy it. About 3 years ago I purchased a 22 cal. rifle in...
  3. 5

    New dishwasher recommendation?

    Something to be careful of If you have a standard formica countertop be very careful about selecting a model which does not vent upwards toward the countertop. The steam will cause the particle board to swell and will eventually ruin the countertop unless measures are taken to prevent the...
  4. 5

    Another member of the well regulated militia

    I suggest that the state legislature quickly pass a law forbidding the possession of guns, notify the person holding the hostages that it is against the law to possess a gun and then arrange to receive the weapon which he will hand over immediately as he certainly wouldn't want to break the law...
  5. 5

    White House: As Many As 5 Million E-mails Possibly Missing

    I suggest that they try looking for them on the same table where Hillary's lost files turned up.
  6. 5

    Sobering Conversation about my Kid's Future...........

    Unfortunately, you are wrong. Educate yourself on what is really going on with Islam and the terrorists. Take a look at The word needs to be spread on this threat to our way of life.
  7. 5

    Sell or Keep rental properties?

    I haven't decided if I wish to totally get out of the rentals yet. I just wanted to see what others might have done and their results. I also have questions about how to invest the money if I did get completely out. I really would like to have an nice income stream without diminishing the...
  8. 5

    Sell or Keep rental properties?

    Hi Everyone, I'm new to the forum and also to retirement planning. I have basically put all my eggs in one basket - real estate. I have 24 rental units personally, am 1/4 owner and the manager of 13 more units. The 13 will be sold in the near future. My question is what is the best way to handle...
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