Recent content by AreWeThereYet0

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    Now what

    To clarify, I have already retired. Neither my partner nor I work. The 80K is post tax, since we are married filing jointly and our income is capital gains only we won't be paying any taxes. (other than state) I have tracked my expenses for several years and know how much we spend and the 80K...
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    Now what

    Hello, I am 46 years old and recently retired, not exactly by choice, more by circumstance. I have roughly 2.1M in retirement accounts and 1.1M in non retirement accounts. I have found the accumulation phase to be a lot easier to manage than the post retirement period. My question is how...
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    Car loan application as a retiree

    In Maryland they take personal checks at our local Toyota dealerships.
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    Share Your FIRE Milestones - 2021

    Up to 2.4M in invested assets net worth 2.9M including paid off primary residence. Not a bad way to end the year!
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    It was a gift free of tax. I have: 401K 1M. (Small amount is Roth 401K) Roth IRA 330K Brokerage 771 HSA 6K New gift/cash 610K Currently everything that was not part of the gift/cash chunk is in mutual funds. I am not sure what I am going to do now that I have the $.
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    I am 43 and I was just gifted part of my inheritance early. I now have 2.7M not counting house or efund. My grandmothers lived until about 90, my mother 86 and my father is almost 90. Given all of this data what would you consider a safe withdrawal rate if I were to leave the workforce and never...
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    Share Your FIRE Milestones - 2021

    I hit 2.1M in invested assets sometime this week. I had crossed to 2M April 17. Woot!
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    Share Your FIRE Milestones - 2021

    I hit 2M in investable assets yesterday. I had so few people to share it with that it was rather depressing. The 2M does not include the equity in my house. Moving onward and upward to the next million! Congrats to everyone and their accomplishments!
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    Planning to retire in 7 years now

    Hi, Just figured I would do a three year follow up to show how things have progressed. 43 now with no kids and want to retire at 50. Own house with about 79K left on the mortgage. Value is probably around 240K. ~975K in 401K - max it out yearly ~424K in a gift trust that is parked in a...
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    Seeking reco: Brokerages for IRAs

    I have accounts with TRowe Price, Vanguard and Fidelity. My vote is Fidelity for best customer service and best website. Their mobile app sucks but I work around it by accessing Fidelity through the website on my mobile phone. Works good enough that way.
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    Our dog has cancer

    I am sorry to hear about your sick family member. I have no advice. I had to let my fifteen year old mutt go about a year ago and I am in tears thinking about it. I wish you the best finding alternative treatment for your baby and hope that you manage to squeeze in several more years with your...
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    7.8 Billion people on planet earth

    I helped with population increase too. Also no kids.
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    Stimulus $600

    Got $286 from US Treasury while I slept and woke up to a notification from the bank of the deposit. Guess I will use it to pay the taxes I will surely owe. Not like it’s free money.
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    Tax software deals

    I went for it thank you!
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    Tax software deals

    Does anyone know how much you have to have with Fidelity to get the free tax software?
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