Recent content by Blux

  1. B

    transition from saver to spender

    Thanks to the rising tide raising all boats, I am right on the verge of retirement. Investing aggressively got me to where I can, but I fear my aggressive allocation is now a bit of a liability. I hadn't given much thought about how I would transition my portfolio when I retire. Current...
  2. B

    401k went over contribution limit

    Hello, I had a bit of a rough 2022. Had to close down a multiple generation family business. I worked a short time in 2022 at that job and was contributing to a regular pre-tax 401k. I had contributed around $1400 for the year. I started a new job and saved aggressively in a Roth401k which...
  3. B

    At a crossroads

    I do have a pretty good idea, but we have never had to buy our own health insurance before. Looking into ACA. Lots of variables, keep income low for ACA credits, need to be aware that my nest egg is mostly locked up until I am 59 1/2, etc. We only gross maybe 110k per year and been saving 1/2...
  4. B

    At a crossroads

    I feel like wife and I are sensible enough to adjust spending based on what our accounts are doing, but stuff like insurance isn't something I ever expect to pay less going forward.
  5. B

    At a crossroads

    Another you shoot for high 90s, 100%, better than 100% on FireCalc?
  6. B

    At a crossroads

    100k draw rate is what I was figuring. I am eligible for 2500 for me at 67 and wife around 2200. Insurance....that is the tough one. Wife is type1 diabetic so we cannot mess around insurance wise.
  7. B

    At a crossroads

    Yes, but not in the near term as we still have aging parents in the area that we help regularly
  8. B

    At a crossroads

    Yes, a bad correction scares me as I know I am somewhat close to being where I want to be. That being said, I only got to this point by being aggressive with my investments. Being conservative now could be a very smart move if that were to happen, but will also extend the length of time I will...
  9. B

    At a crossroads

    Pandemic hit a family business pretty hard and will be out of work for the first time in 35 years of working. 52 years old, wife is 50 and also works with me. She has taken on a PT restaurant job with no bennies making pretty decent money and I am working for a former vender in the same dying...
  10. B

    Fire possible?

    Thanks for the advice everyone. Really busy over the weekend but plan on investigating some suggestions early this week
  11. B

    Fire possible?

    Around 300k. Wasn't aware of the principal withdrawal being allowed
  12. B

    Fire possible?

    Yes, I play on firecalc a bunch and feel pretty comfortable with several exceptions. 1. Healthcare is something I have never really had to budget for in the past. 2. Going from an Equity heavy portfolio to something far more conservative/income producing. 3. How to get the money to live on from...
  13. B

    Fire possible?

    Hello All, My last thread was so old I couldn't respond. Age 51, wife 49 as of today, happy birthday! Net worth 2.5M, savings around 1.9M mostly tied up in 401 and roth accounts. Maybe 100k of that is non-retirement accounts. No debt at all. House worth maybe 400k in high tax state(illinois)...
  14. B

    Fire at 55?

    Does the reduction in SS benefits by retiring early something that would make someone work longer???? Am I being greedy by trying to maximize benefit?
  15. B

    Fire at 55?

    Update 12-30-14 We are still employed:) 1.4M net worth no debt putting 40k in retirement accounts/year putting 10K in non-retirement accounts/year New questions and concerns 1. What % of success in the Monte Carlo simulations should you be aiming for to feel "comfortable" you are on the right...
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