Recent content by bunnybunny

  1. B

    What are your plans for your children's inheritance?

    Both my spouse and I are healthy and in our late 30, and our child is only 1, so hopefully we're a long way off about this. But anyone can be hit by a bus, so... In case of your sudden death, what do you guys plan to leave for your children? I've read that Bill Gates and Warren Buffett do...
  2. B

    Any other 30-40somethings FIREd?

    Basically what I'm gathering from these responses is no one ever says, "I don't work; I managed my money well in my youth and now I'm retired." :)
  3. B

    Any other 30-40somethings FIREd?

    Travel is great; we travelled all over pre-kiddo. But even a 3-hour drive to see the family seems like an ordeal, much less 10 hours to Europe or Asia. Maybe when kiddo is a bit older we can pick it up again. Or just pay for a travel nanny, heh. The crazy thing is that I'm having these thoughts...
  4. B

    Any other 30-40somethings FIREd?

    I definitely struggle with the lazy/useless thing. I've tried to accept "doing nothing" but it does feel wrong. Also I've read Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's book _Flow_, where it's suggested that being absorbed in one's work leads to better outcomes. Have been checking out the volunteering...
  5. B

    Any other 30-40somethings FIREd?

    Long story short: right place, right time, big exit, $$$. 38 yo now with 1 child whom I love. Feels a bit weird because anyone my age that I encounter has a job. Sometimes struggling, sometimes doing fine, but always working. I've never said to anyone except my closest friends that I'm...
  6. B

    Twenty Years Early Retired Today!

    Congratulations on 20 years! I am where you were 20 years ago. I got lucky and made a bunch of money and now I'm 38 with no desire to return to the office. But as I'm sure you know it's a bit socially isolating and a lot of days I wake up not quite knowing what to do with myself. I have sports...
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