Recent content by camefromnothing

  1. C

    I'm 42 and I don't think I can retire because I only have 12k in my 401k...

    If you don't make a change, nothing wil change. I was in your position when I was your age. It was not too late but you must act quickly. Good luck!
  2. C

    401k loan for house down payment

    Rustward is right on the money. I used to manage the affairs of my last employer's 401k Plan.
  3. C

    Possible To Retire On $600,000?

    I'm about your age and have around the same amount in my retirement account but I am married. If I were single and have no mortgage, I think I could live off that money plus my projected SS income of $1300/mo in 7 years. Yes, I live in LA.
  4. C

    Downsizing the j*b

    Three years ago, I quit my job of 23 years, due to stress factors, with no intention of looking for another one. But, last week I started working part time (20Hrs, 4 hrs a day) for my former boss who have moved to another business. So far, I love it despite a 25% reduction in hourly rate from...
  5. C

    Plasma Or Lcd?

    Someone summed it up this way: Plasma will give you true-to-life picture while LCD will give you larger-than-life picture. Or PLasma = Natural color, LCD = brighter color. We have a plasma in the living room and an LCD in my son's room, and I'm saving up for another plasma for our bedroom.
  6. C

    Greetings from a newbie

    Welcome. My wife and I are from the Phils. We came to US in 1980 and I just retired 3 years ago. I'm thinking of spending more time in the Phil soon. I stay in with my sister in Cainta whenever I go there. Good luck and let us know how it goes for you and your wife.
  7. C

    Where were you at 31?

    Hmmm..let's see At 31: Wife and her debts, 1 kid, 0 savings At 33: bought the first house, same wife, 2 Kids at 51: ERed, kids in college, same wife NOW: I'm 54, 1st kid graduated last year, 2nd a senior, same wife still works,
  8. C

    Financial Advice for a 22 year old

    Eddieb - I agree with all of the above. I was 31 (1984) when we started saving for ER by maxing out 401k/403b/IRA. Per our SS statement, my wife and I made a combined income of $40k that year. We now have close to 2m despite some bad investment decisions along the way. I bailed out of...
  9. C

    Glad to be here

    kumquat, Thanks! I will check out the SWR thread. I'm just glad to know that we are at least within striking distance of our goal to be FI after over 20 years of saving for our retirement.
  10. C

    Glad to be here

    Ballpark estimate of our yearly expenses is about $80k + $20k estimated income tax liabilities on IRA/401K withdrawals. The main reason for that current CC balance was the Cruise we took this summer. We plan to make it disappear in a few months.
  11. C

    Glad to be here

    Hello All, I came across this site a few weeks ago and have been lurking a lot since then. I'm 54, married and have 2 boys. 3 years ago (At 51) I quit my job of 24 years and decided not to go back, at least for now. I came to US in late 1980, married in 1983. My wife and I started our life...
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