Recent content by catman2020

  1. C

    5% Distributions Yields Tell me what you think of this investing idea?

    I don’t think what he’s claiming is that much different than the findings from the Trinity study and the “4 percent rule” folks in general. If I followed him he seems to have a large equity allocation that would tend to pull up the SWR from 4ish to 5ish. I (and I think a lot of other FIRE...
  2. C

    FireCalc: Anyone UNDER 100% ??

    I would be leery of putting too much faith in online retirement calculators. Typically retirement calculators have you make so many assumptions that the output is really just a reflection of what you want to it to say. For example, we don't know with certainty for the next fifty years...
  3. C

    How To Choose a Financial Planner?

    I agree with posts about fee only or accountant who could support you.
  4. C

    How To Choose a Financial Planner?

    Hi, Sorry to hear about the problems you've been having. Could you indicate how much money are you talking having someone manage = your retirement funds? There is a wide range of options, and some make more sense at different levels of invested assets.
  5. C

    Asset allocation with $8 million

    You might want to look at a ‘bucket’ approach. It’s more of a psychological trick than a strictly financial approach. Basically put five years of expenses or so in a money market account. Allow interest and dividends flow into that money market account. So basically you don’t need to look at...
  6. C

    Interesting article on changing needs with increased assets

    Article from Forbes on how value of professional tax planning and estate advice changes with increased assets. The DIY mentality that gets someone to seven figures net worth can be a barrier to judiciously using professionals when they can add value.
  7. C

    Keeping House of Elderly Parent out of Probate

    If you have a simple estate situation probate is probably fine. In fact,, you can avoid probate altogether in some cases if the assets are low enough or if everything is dealt with using TOD’s. The problem comes in if you have a larger estate or somewhat complex situation. If there are family...
  8. C

    Keeping House of Elderly Parent out of Probate

    First, it’s great you are talking to an attorney. Second, I would suggest you put the house in a living trust. You can set it up the way you’ve outlined and the execution is very simple when the time comes to transfer the house. I can imagine that some people are happy with the probate...
  9. C

    FIRE and kids

    Hi I FIRE’d three years ago when our three kids were 11 14 and 17. Two points: You didn’t talk a lot about your current situation financially but I would suggest you consider hanging on until you can fund their 529’s fully, which scarily means about 250k per kid if you think they might be...
  10. C

    OMY, Taxes, and Withdrawal Rate

    Your right of course on the just kills me to spend so much on such inferior insurance.
  11. C

    OMY, Taxes, and Withdrawal Rate

    I would think for a couple $24k would work - you can shop on and see what it turns up. I'm looking at premiums of about $35k for a family of five - plus out of pocket of another $??? - so say $40k-$60k for insurance that would require us to switch some doc's etc. This amount...
  12. C

    OMY, Taxes, and Withdrawal Rate

    Thanks Runningbum - I'll hadn't thought of looking at insurance that way - I'll see what this approach turns up.
  13. C

    OMY, Taxes, and Withdrawal Rate

    One thing to consider in the transition, if you haven’t already, is how you are going to manage health insurance. I FIRED about a year ago with about $9million in retirement assets. With market run up last year I’m now close to $11million. Seems like I should be all set, right? In terms of...
  14. C

    Adult children inheritance

    +1 This comment pretty much sums up what I think are your options. I am the Trustee in a situation like this. Trust pays out monthly income to all siblings, but mainly to provide support to two nonworking siblings. It would be a pretty big burden for the sister, but she can bring in an...
  15. C

    OMY or ER now?

    Congratulations on getting to where you are financially. Few make it to that level. A couple of comments. 1) In terms of planning based on future market returns, Firecalc takes that into account by using historic returns including ones where the market drops from a high and enters a bear...
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