Recent content by daveh

  1. D

    Blessed at 23

    My name is Dave. I was part of an Internet company that sold -- after taxes and transaction costs I received 2MM. In the process of running the company, I started two holding companies. One company protects my cash and the other my rental properties. I have a cash flow of about $1000 from my...
  2. D

    5 million at 24

    Monty, Was this in 2005? How long have you invested in Vanguard? Can you give yearly return estimates? I am half tempted to invest in 11mnth CDs yielding 4.6 across multiple banks/CUs- which will give me more time to learn... Thanks for any advise... Dave
  3. D

    5 million at 24

    I can validate his position. I owned a lower % of the deal and also interested in learning more from everyone. I like the idea of investing in Vangaurd/CDs/& a Ranch. My wife is scared to live in the woods though Smiley Dave- 23 | 2MM (post-gov share) for ER
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