Recent content by DEC-1982

  1. D

    2019 YTD Investment Performance Thread

    Up 21.04%, compared to my 60/40 benchmark of 21.96%.
  2. D

    Do you get called “honey” or “sweetie” by strangers?

    Sweetie, honey, darling are all common, but what floored me recently was being called babe at my (new) Publix deli. I tend to ignore this; I know it's customary especially as I go further away from the city and they don't mean anything bad.
  3. D

    Need Advice On Withdrawal Strategy

    What one needs to do is run though a couple of hundred scenarios, doing withdrawals at the beginning of the year, and the compare them to another couple of hundred scenarios doing monthly withdrawals, and see which one comes out better. I haven't done that, and I look forward to somebody doing...
  4. D

    Analyst forecasts for 2019 EOY S&P 500

    They usually start with high predictions and then keep adjusting them down during the course of the year, as reality sets in.
  5. D

    Need Advice On Withdrawal Strategy

    I took a retirement income planning class in Jan 2012. The individual who taught the class said something that sticks in my mind. He said that just like dollar cost averaging helps on the way up by allowing you to buy more shares when prices are down, dollar cost selling is worse for you when...
  6. D

    2018 YTD investment performance thread

    That's a nice chart.
  7. D

    2018 YTD investment performance thread

    No, no international equities. 60% Total Stock, 40% Total Bond, and I was looking at the Vanguard Balanced Index Fund to show that 2.86%. It seemed easier than doing calculations from the two funds to arrive at the number.
  8. D

    Pension and Net Worth in Retirement Analysis

    At one point I used to have 2 net worth numbers, net worth with pension and net worth without pension. When I retired, I decided to go with just one number, net worth without pension.
  9. D

    2018 YTD investment performance thread

    Down about 2.75%. My 60/40 Balanced Index benchmark is down 2.86%.
  10. D

    suggestive evidence that doctors do unnecessary stent procedures to enrich themselves

    It is NOT an open-and-shut case but it's POSSIBLY one of many reasons American health costs are out of control.
  11. D

    2018 Bond Market return

    As of now that fund shows -0.03%. Not bad at all, knowing where it was most of 2018.
  12. D

    2018 Spending Summary and Analysis

    Well, after the calculations I find we are 4.9% over budget. Personal inflation was higher than govt. reported inflation.
  13. D

    Amazon Returns

    I also heard (I think late afternoon Friday on Yahoo Finance) that Kohl's takes Amazon returns. YF was talking about potential additional business because more customers were entering the stores because of Amazon returns.
  14. D

    How long does it take?

    Sorry, I don't mean to be unempathetic, but I'll be very happy when everybody else goes back to work on Wednesday (hopefully), and life goes back to "normal".
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