Recent content by fire_dreamer

  1. F

    need a plan

    Thanks Caroline...I have a friend that has been laid off for about a year now and when she used to work full time she would always dream of not working. Well now she says she can't wait to get back to work. so maybe after a hiatus I too would feel like going back to work. Who knows! Peter I...
  2. F

    need a plan

    cool dood thanks :) you are absolutely right about the unforseen circumstances of continuing to work in the rat race! thanks for the encouraging thoughts! REWahoo! - I haven't read the book but I will definitely check it out. Ugg the thought of leaving the workforce and then having to go back...
  3. F

    need a plan

    I forgot to add that I our expenses should remain the same over time except for the health care.
  4. F

    need a plan

    REWahoo Our current expenses are about $27K per year not including the cost of health care because we currently get that thru our employers. I did run the numbers through fire calc and if I figured it right we would be at 100% with 35K per year withdrawal. It seems like we would be ok but it...
  5. F

    need a plan

    Hi I need some advice... I am 40 and my hubby is 42 with no kids.  Our current dream is to retire in 2 years. I thought we were doing pretty good with our plan and now I am not so sure.  I am worried that we may not have enough to last out our lives. Especially after reading all the other posts...
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