Recent content by Fishsticks007

  1. F

    Roth IRA question

    Each roll-over you do restarts the 5 year rule. Your financial institution should have made that clear. From Beware of the 5-Year Rule One potential trap to be aware of is the so-called "five-year rule." You can withdraw regular Roth IRA contributions tax- and penalty-free...
  2. F

    Anybody Rely Mostly on Dividend Funds? Questions

    Dividends work for me Early retired 5 1/2 years now. Just turned 61. I have all dividend stocks with the exception of Amazon. I used the dividend kings list to determine which stocks I wanted. I diversified my 401k among several companies. My personal non 401k portfolio is also...
  3. F

    Movie "I Care A Lot" - question about accuracy (No spoilers)

    Protection from Guardianship Thieves I recently read two articles listed below about predatory guardianship. Basically any stranger can accuse you of not being able to care for yourself and that stranger uses the court to take over your life with no due process or opportunity to defend...
  4. F

    Do you believe in taking Vitamin?

    Yes I have always taken a multi vitamin and am seldom sick which I believe is because of eating healthy and supplements. In regards to the vitamin D, absolutely true. I took my friend to a neurologist because she was having severe memory issues. She couldn’t remember how to find her way home...
  5. F

    Convincing myself that I have enough money to retire

    You know when You’ll know when you not only have enough, but have had enough of your job. Then you will be ready to FIRE.
  6. F

    Social Security Questions

    Take it and invest it My husband and I plan to take ours at 62 and invest it in the market! I think we will make more than the 8% you get by waiting until FRA. And if we want to do a fabulous vacation instead of investing that month, we will do it!
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