Recent content by Fleenfire

  1. F

    How to model impact of fixed annuities, CD's, etc.?

    Oh, but maybe I can make it work, since the deferred lifetime annuity will be inflation-adjusting anyway... so would it be legit to: - Enter the period-certain annuity as suggested, with an income starting in one year and ending as off-chart spending in another - Enter the reverse mortgage as...
  2. F

    How to model impact of fixed annuities, CD's, etc.?

    Oh, that makes perfect sense, thanks! But I'm still stuck because there are only 3 Pension Income/Off Chart spending lines and I need more. I'm also wanting to include a separate, deferred lifetime annuity and a reverse mortgage in other years. (I know, those could be bad ideas, too, but I still...
  3. F

    How to model impact of fixed annuities, CD's, etc.?

    I'd like to try out the impact of a period-certain annuity in my FIRECalc model. (I know, you hate annuities for good reasons, but bear with me.) I haven't found a way to model them in. Here are ways I thought of that are no good: 1. Entering Pension Income Why it won't work: This continues the...
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