Recent content by gman1234

  1. G

    Why bother diversified? Why not all in Index SP500?

    Now, I will add this. If you are a ways from retirement, then I agree that equities are best (SPY is good). BUT, if you need/want cash on a regular basis, this has been a great alternative to bonds or CDs.
  2. G

    Why bother diversified? Why not all in Index SP500?

    It's more of a Bond fund. I don't expect it to out perform SPY. However, I HAVE received 8+ percent per year (paid monthly) for 15 years and not once did they miss or reduce a payment. I don't care about the day to day stock price - I just like the cash flow. I don't care about expense ratio...
  3. G

    Why bother diversified? Why not all in Index SP500?

    S&P all of the way! I did that. Sold a business in early 2000's and put all in S&P 500 stock (SPY) and Berkshire Hathaway. At one point around 2007, I moved about 15% in DNP and I've done great. DNP by the way pays ~8% per year at its typical stock price of ~$10 (paid monthly giving a...
  4. G

    Life of Social Security Fund ??

    pb4uski, you are right that I could live a lot longer. I will be 62 next year so it's coming soon. However, while I don't think the government is going to 'get rid' of SS, they may have to do some cuts. However, I'd probably put all of the money in equities and if future returns come anywhere...
  5. G

    Life of Social Security Fund ??

    Let's say that I decide to wait until age 70. If I take money at 62, I will have 228K (assuming no returns on this money) at age 70 when I would otherwise start. If I get a reasonable 4% return, I'll have 267K (it would actually be higher than this as I would be getting the money monthly and I...
  6. G

    Life of Social Security Fund ??

    Excel shows that I will get more money up until age 79 by taking at 62. For me, that's next year so I plan to do it. Also, the 'fund' has no money now - it's just IOU's from the government to the government. All paid by the general fund (which includes SS current contributors). So, who knows...
  7. G

    Withdrawals from IRA

    Mathematically it's the same outcome for a Roth and a Traditional IRA. The only difference is your tax rate going in and going out. For ME, my tax rate was much higher going in (at my peak, I was at max incremental rate) and much lower in retirement. The only other consideration is if you...
  8. G

    Long Term Economic Fallout From War In Ukraine

    From a purely stock market view, what about Boycotts of Russia? For example, if Burger King boycotts Russia, they lost that revenue. No else is buying more burgers to make that up - the sales are just lost. Thus, if Russia is, say 5% of sales, their revenue will be down that amount. Thus...
  9. G

    Will the "Other Shoe" EVER Drop?

    I personally think you should be careful. I sold a business and went 'all in' in 2003 in equities. First time I've ever sold (other than for expenses) was recently. Why? - COVID. I don't think the damage from COVID has fully manifested itself. Rent moratoriums are ending (and the few...
  10. G

    How do I protect money gifted to kids if they divorce?

    I don't think that's true - at least not everywhere. I have gone through two divorces and while married, I received money from two different sources (mom and dad). I was told that as long as I don't comingle the funds, it would stay my property - not joint. Though in my case it wasn't enough...
  11. G

    Question for the FL, GA and Carolina coast retirees

    GA is great! My wife and I are 'beach' people as well and were looking to move about a year and 1/2 ago. We were planning on FL but someone mentioned a lake in GA and we thought we'd check it out. Flew out and bought a house! But not at the beach - on a lake! Not the same as the ocean but...
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