Recent content by HughJass

  1. H

    Regular Exercise, How do you do it.

    Actually, I shortened it from Juan Hugh Jass. Guess I watched too many Simpsons episodes in my misspent youth!
  2. H

    Ready to launch, then chickened out...

    You sound like I did! Worked for megacorp 33 years: engineer, dept mgr, plant mgr, global director. Goal-driven, blessed with great $ compensation and good health, surpassed my magic retirement savings #, set a goal to FIRE by age of 58. Wasn’t sure I’d be able to avoid the OMY syndrome...
  3. H

    Regular Exercise, How do you do it.

    Lots of great advice in this thread. I FIRE’d 3 yrs ago and, depending on weather, get my exercise most days either at the gym with DW, on my bike, walking the dog, golf, or a treadmill at home. For me, these are MUSTS: 1) If it’s drudgery & you don’t look forward to it, forget it. 2) Media to...
  4. H

    How much is enough?

    Funny how your “magic number” can climb as you either get close to it, or achieve it. It did for me... In my 30’s, my number (while working for megacorp) was$2M. That got in reach in my early 40’s, and I reset at $3M. Fast forward to my mid-50’s and $4.5M became the sleep-like-a-baby target...
  5. H

    ER! So much free time to travel! But how do you handle... cats?

    Don’t know if it would work for you but my wife and I have found great pet sitters around us by using the Rover app. Mostly to watch our dog in their home. Good filters to help you find compatible sitters and easy to arrange a meet & greet before the trip. Good luck!
  6. H

    Class of 2016

    Hi, just joined 2016 Class today (downsized from Megacorp)... mixed feelings because it was really abrupt but overall a positive because DW and I have been oreparing to FIRE for years. Love this site, admit to living vicariously through the various posts for several years. Hope to keep...
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