Recent content by JustNtime

  1. JustNtime

    Luge Run Safe or Not

    I'm NOT sure what type of 'pad' on a steel post keeps someone going 80+mph with only a helmut alive. There doesn't appear to be any reason NOT to build up the walls and keep the athletes on the track at least. This isn't the safest sport in the world and I'm sure there will always be some danger...
  2. JustNtime

    Anyone in All Cash?

    I put MOM's entire IRA into 7yr Penfed CDs at 6.25% in 2007.< Mainly to get her away from the sleasy Valic guy who kept trying to sell an 80+ yr old woman high cost annuities.> She's good to go until 2014. Unless rates go above that before then. She's allowed to rollover into a better CD, if the...
  3. JustNtime

    Are you unnecessarily frugal?

    What plan? What Budget? Well according to iORP, we could spend considerably more than we do - almost double. Since we don't, that amount keeps rising each year. When I retired, I figured I would be tapping savings a little each year, But we continue to LBOM... I suppose that makes us...
  4. JustNtime

    Replacement for Quicken 2000 software (yeah, I know....old school!)

    Personally, I'd recommend you keep using Q2000, as long as it works for you. You can try using these new fangle things like mint and money dance, but you're going to lose a lot of that history you've accumulated or take forever to reenter info. I still miss my old quicken, I started with. I...
  5. JustNtime

    Non-working spouse SS benefit question

    Not an expert, but it would appear your spouse would not be eligible for spousal benefits until you are eligible for SS benefits. Currently when you are 62 and he is 72. He would then be eligible to receive half of your full retirement age benefit, even though you would only be able to receive a...
  6. JustNtime

    Any deals on Quicken and Turbotax ?

    freebird Security: Please - If you're on this site with the same system you use for taxes, you're more susceptible to a data mining attack than any online service. So I guess for the truly paranoid run sw on a standalone system that is never connected to any device that is connected to the...
  7. JustNtime

    Lottery winner laying low

    "Laying Low" = 6' under a 30'X30' concrete slab A very 'truthful' lady no doubt about it...
  8. JustNtime

    Any deals on Quicken and Turbotax ?

    You don't have to do it in one session. You set up user name and password - start - stop - finish when you wish, if you get a new tax doc just go back in and add it. NO limit I'm aware of. E-file when you're done - download copies (pdf) to store/back-up and print hard copies as desired. If you...
  9. JustNtime

    Any deals on Quicken and Turbotax ?

    The online versions are available for about half the download price. So unless you're doing more than one return you could save some by using the online premier TT for $32.45 or even deluxe for $19.45. BofA is giving the 35% discount too <see their homepage might even be able to link if you...
  10. JustNtime

    Roth IRA Conversion: A Bad Bet?

    I've been ER'd for 7+ years. I did my first Roth conversion in Dec for last tax year to 'top off my tax bracket'. Looking very long term eventually RMD's+SS would probably have put me into next tax bracket. A Roth will give me more flexibility on withdrawal's without worrying about taxes on the...
  11. JustNtime

    Can my MMF produce a lower Yield?

    lol - Well that doesn't exactly narrow things down alot. kaneohe - Thanks for the FW link, been awhile since I looked there - "Incredible Bank"? - Really?
  12. JustNtime

    Can my MMF produce a lower Yield?

    End result Ameriprise Reserve Fund sweep account: Sep 2008 busted the buck all funds frozen. Several partial distributions during last year. Received the final distribution yesterday which totalled exactly 100% of funds after deducting off part of the Ameriprise advance of 3cents a share to...
  13. JustNtime

    Social Security at age 60?

    Housing One man's adequate is another's luxury. IF qualifying for a mortgage based on two incomes <and doing a bit of a stretch> and using all of savings for the down payment. Then buying car, furniture, appliances, etc on time adding to the debt to earnings ratio. A loss of either job will...
  14. JustNtime

    2009 cpi-u

    Well, interesting Nords, particularly from a tax bracket perspective. It looks assured that at least 85% of our SS will be taxable and I suppose that will likely go to 100% eventually. Further there won't be much room, if any to top off our current tax bracket even with the reduced benefits at...
  15. JustNtime

    Social Security at age 60?

    Perhaps your replacement is using six folks to do that job for him/her... Guilt free ER...;)
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