Recent content by Kibitzer1

  1. K

    5 reasons men shouldn't blow off going to the doctor

    I've come to think going to the doc is part of the Darwinian test for aging. Those who go, age. Those who don't the test. My Doc convinced me to go for a Coronary Calcium Heart Scan. Not covered by insur. but the x-ray facility was running a special - no kidding. for a $100 I got the...
  2. K

    Dental work in Mexico

    I met a woman who had seven teeth replaced with dental implants at an advanced dental facility in Costa Rica. Cost her around $2 grand for all 7 teeth. would have cost $5 to 7 thousand EACH in the US. She was very happy with the doc, the facility and her treatment. Costa Rica is making medical...
  3. K

    Questions about the Optimal Retirement Decision

    Optimal Retirement Calc. Taxes are likely going to go up in the future. This must be reckoned with and planned for. Soc. security income is taxed today at $25K for single filer; 32K income for married filers. ORP founder is opposed to overpaying taxes, so the model attempts to minimize tax. I...
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