Recent content by Kork13

  1. Kork13

    529 Plans - Is a monthly contribution or lump sum better?

    In general, whether 529 or retirement or taxable ... The best time to add money to your investments is whenever you have it available & ready for investment. If you've got a chunk of cash sitting around doing nothing that you want to get invested, then drop it in as a lump sum. If all of your...
  2. Kork13

    First million milestone

    Congrats!! I clearly recall the exact day I was able to do the same, and that second comma feels awesome. And as long as you continue saving, I'd be surprised if you don't continue to accelerate. My first $1M took ~12 years ... and we just crossed the line for $2M earlier this year, less than...
  3. Kork13

    Forum Update - We're back! Ask your questions here.

    Holy smokes .... I ignored these forums for the last 5-6 weeks while I was totally slammed with w*rk from a complex project. I finally jumped back on tonight & thought I'd somehow gone to the wrong page! Interesting new look. If nothing else, I appreciate having the "New Posts" and "Mark...
  4. Kork13

    Brushing too hard?

    I've had the same issue, with a receding gum-line even though otherwise very healthy teeth/gums. Though I've never liked electric toothbrushes ... I just use too much pressure with my normal manual toothbrush. Soft bristles are a must, and I've actually started seeking out extra-soft bristles...
  5. Kork13

    NY Times New Game--Strands

    Interesting game. I had a hard time finding the first (theme) word, but once I did the rest became quite easy to see. That first one kinda frames the rest of the board, and got me started into what the theme clue actually meant. Thanks for sharing this new game! Strands #3 “I gotta dip!” ???? ???
  6. Kork13

    June 31st--New Leap Day?!

    I believe what he was saying is that nothing would be any different. If you move the leap day to be June 31st our orbit around the sun & the weather wouldn't care what day we say it is. All that would change is that all the days between Feb 29 & Jun 31 would be "moved up", so the winter...
  7. Kork13

    June 31st--New Leap Day?!

    I mean, if we're gonna change up the calendar, how about we just go to a standard 28-day month with 13 months? Then you'd only have a leap day once every 22 years (though you'd also need to work in 2 extra leap days somewhere every 110 years to keep the solar calendar totally in check). But...
  8. Kork13

    Air Force fly boys - a question

    Yep, that's a heritage flight, likely practicing for an upcoming airshow nearby (or within a few hours' flight). Typically an aircraft from each of the past generations of military aircraft. Specific types vary, but it's generally pretty cool to see regardless of which aircraft they have.
  9. Kork13

    Share Your FIRE Milestones - 2021

    With recent market gains & continued contributions, our total net worth has crossed the $2M mark! We might bubble above/below a bit depending on what happens with markets, but we're officially multimillionaires. We could likely be considered FI around now, but I become eligible for an...
  10. Kork13

    Pension & allocation question

    FWIW, my thought process is that AA is all about risk management. Having a reliable pension (in my case, it'll be an immediate, federal, COLA'd pension) provides alot of security. That security allows me to accept a higher degree of risk with my investments without losing any sleep, so I...
  11. Kork13

    Suze Orman - You need 20M to retire early

    Summary: In 2018, Suze Orman said positively frightful things about retiring early, so now in 2024 we're going to read about it. If you have $20M or $100M, then fine, you can retire early and live a properly lavish lifestyle. But measly pocket change like $2M? You're definitely gonna run out...
  12. Kork13

    Japan advice for April trip

    Move your trip up a couple weeks -- around Tokyo/Kyoto, the cherry blossoms will be blooming in late March/Early April. Stay longer. There's plenty to see/do, getting around is SUPER easy (the trains/subways really are fantastic), and traveling halfway across the globe for a measly 1-week stay...
  13. Kork13

    Suze Orman - You need 20M to retire early

    Wow, so many thoughts... 1) They wrote an article in Feb 2024 solely surrounding a podcast from 2018? Wow, they must be pretty desperate. 2) Speaking of desperate, this article makes Suze sound desperate for attention & validation in a world that no longer values her advice. (which might be...
  14. Kork13

    issue with 2022 tax filing

    I mistakenly did this to my parents when I started college. I/we ended up using a CPA friend's help to get it resolved, but as Cathy said, it takes a while. Past-year returns are lower priority, especially in the middle of tax filing season, and especially when everything is paper...
  15. Kork13

    Hi, I am new. Just hit 40. FIRE in 7? How am I doing?

    I was thinking a little more about your kids' college .... and this might be a bit radical ... But since you've got a large chunk of cash sitting there right now, you might consider super-funding 529s for each of them, then just let it coast until they enter college. You could set it & forget...
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